Take control of your time with: Scheduling Tasks

Alejandra Galeano
5 min readNov 9, 2016


I’ll share them the process I went through and how things evolved:

Interview & Observation Plan

This step is very important to make a design, to take into account the needs of our users, I was watching a student and an entrepreneur, and see how was their day? And I noticed that it is difficult for them to have all the tasks up to date and to keep the commitments in mind.

When the day has many activities, theirs only makes the most important, since some tasks take longer than estimated. Then they have to reprogram the next few days and they do not have time to rest or relax. So they should schedule those times, such as having time to read a book or make a hobbit. Also if you want to generate habits to improve your lifestyle do it for an application to remind you constantly.


The idea is to have time for all throughout the week and weekends, with rest areas and have a visual of what we work to improve our productivity form, changing the way we experience and interact with the time that facilitates personal or social behavior change, and Glance. In a more visual, interactive and fun way.


  • This is my first prototype in paper, which has evolved throughout the process of designing. The objective is have an application that allow to schedule activities to better manage our time. This application aims to provide a visual way to organize our time with selectable alarms with sounds and images. Facilitating our day to day and having spaces to rest and our hobby.
  • The second design, the Wireframe I make some adjust, for example the position of the options so that it looks more orderly and that the application is easy to handle
  • The final prototype to show it to end users, I decided to leave it alone for the current week and the next week, for people to focus and have more time control, focusing on two weeks at a time.

Test Your Prototype

The application was tested by two people, they performed a task and explored the application, and gave their opinions about it, so they could make modifications to improve the application.

Assign tasks:

Schedule an activity for Tuesday 13 2016, Between the hours of 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM, This day you have to Studying for Math in the University with Alejandra and Emerson. Select preferred color, Select an emoji, Remove a Schedule an activity in the current week or next week, See the historical. Leave participants to explore

The Changes with this test

  • Perform the title with different letter, because some people confused him with another option and they trying to clicked.
  • Place lines that divide each option, in the part “Add Task”, because people tend to confuse, allowing people are not lost in what already selected and see what parts they need.
  • Place lines that divide each option, in the part “Alert”, because people tend to confuse, allowing people are not lost in what already selected and see what parts they need.
  • When a task is added weekly, open a message stating that the activity has created correctly.
  • In the section “historical” it can to select the task and to be able to see all the details, many people wanted to see emoji was selected and could not see.
  • Add the option in the tasks that were saved, be able to select and see the details of the alarm. People cannot see what features are saved after each task
  • Add an option to edit to change the task or tasks you have already saved. Some people asked about that option. Because it is bad time or they want to change the name of the task.

Launch A-B Test

In this part we use the application “User Testing” where different people performed the A / B test and to be able to identify which design option they would like more, In this part I showed a design with more colors and other options, Between an option to see the details of the tasks already programmed and to be able to edit them, also modify the color of the button “red” in “add task” so that it is identified fast. And that the participants interact with the application and give their opinion on the different aspects. With this test improve the application, the final design was:

The Changes with this test

- Change location to select “detail” of the information already scheduled. All participants selected the information to get to the data and to view or edit.

- Adjust the alerts letter, putting them bigger, when you are creating the task and modify the color orange because obscures the message.

- Change the color of the option “cancel” to Red and the option to “Ok” change the color to blue, so you can see the difference, so people can more easily recognize the options.

- Put the titles with a single source and are aligned, to make it look more symmetrical application.

The colors of the titles to be more suited to the application were modified.

You can see the final design in the following link:


