Inside Middle-earth — Boromir

The most human of all Fellowship of the Ring, who embodied the eternal struggle and curse of the Men of Middle-earth.

Alejandro Orradre


Art by Aurore Folny

The figure of Boromir within The Lord of the Rings has always raised a mesmerizing debate about his motivations, actions, and very nature as a man throughout the books.

He was born at the end of the third millennium of the Third Age, son of the Steward of Gondor Denethor II. He had a younger brother named Faramir. Throughout his life, he held the positions of Captain of the White Tower and other significant captaincies within the army of Gondor and was also a member of the Company of the Ring.

Although Númenórean genetics (direct ancestors) had been diluted in Gondor over the centuries, Boromir inherited many characteristics of the ancient inhabitants of Númenor. He was tall and powerful, and his fighting spirit was contagious to everyone around him. His loyalty to his people and his family was his driving force, and his exceptional warrior skills became known to several kingdoms.

He dedicated his whole life to defending the kingdom of Gondor, a task for which he was trained from a very young age. Boromir’s protective character was marked by his military dedication and by the sad loss of his mother when he was ten years…

