Inside Middle-Earth — Chronology of Arda (II)

We continue our exploration of Tolkien’s universe; this time, we’ll see the Years of the Sun.

Alejandro Orradre


Arda in the First Age of the Years of the Sun. Image source Pinterest

In our dizzying journey through the thousands of years of Arda’s history, we were left right at the most dramatic moment.

Melkor (henceforth known as Morgoth) had taken the two trees of Valinor, fled with the Silmarils of the Noldor, and murdered their king Finwë in the process.

His son Fëanor and many of the Noldor were leaving for Middle-earth to fight against Morgoth, avenge their king and recover the Silmarils.

As if that were not enough, the Valar were creating the Moon and the Sun at that time, while in Hildórien (east of Middle-earth), the Men were awakening at last. The years were counted as the present ones.

Everything was ready for the most extraordinary adventures and the most horrible tragedies.

First Age of the Sun (Duration: 590 years)

In this age, many things happen in which the destinies of countless characters are intermingled.

In another article, we will go in-depth into its development, but there are key moments that serve to get a general idea of what happened during these nearly six…

