Inside Middle-earth — Elrond

One of the last great elven lords to dwell in Middle-earth.

Alejandro Orradre


The figure of Elrond combines a fascinating allegory: that of those people who live the times of splendor and its decay. Characters between eras gather the best of each of them and assist the change, which is also an essential part of it.

Elrond Half-elven (nicknamed so because he descended from both elves and men) was born in 532 of the First Age, in the refuge of the Ports of Sirion, in Beleriand.

In those years, Melkor had eradicated most of the great Elven kingdoms, and the few remaining strongholds were struggling for survival.

The childhood of Elrond and his twin brother Elros was a continuous fight and flight.

The ports were destroyed during the Third (and final) Elf Slaughter. With their parents on the run, the twins are captured by Maedhros and Maglor, the only two sons left alive.

Despite all the hostilities between the families, the centuries of taunts, and various betrayals, Maglor decides to raise Elrond and Elros. Over the years, a significant relationship would form between them, and they would come to love each other as father and son.

However, the War of Wrath changed everything.

