Inside Middle-earth: The 7 Dwarf Realms — Eastern Dwarfs

The mystery of the distant Dwarfs.

Alejandro Orradre
3 min readDec 22, 2022


Art by Artigas

In the long history of Arda and Middle-earth, only 3 of the 7 Dwarf Realms that emerged after the birth of the 7 Dwarf Fathers played an essential role in major historical events.

Of the remaining four kingdoms and clans, little or nothing is known. They do not appear in The Silmarillion, The Lord of the Rings, nor The Hobbit. Tolkien does not speak in other writings about them.

There is not even certainty about their exact location since it is only known that when they were put to sleep and scattered by Äule, the Vala decided that he would lodge them in great mountains in the East.

In the East of Middle-earth, there is only one enormous mountain range: the Orocarni.

Also called the Red Mountains were created immemorial when Melkor destroyed the Two Lamps and broke the symmetry of a primordial Arda. It is interesting to know that the mountain range is located next to the Cuiviénen, where the Elves first awoke. Presumably, the Dwarves had contact with the Avari (the Elves who decided not to go west to Aman).

Although the Dwarves of the East are unknown to the vast majority, it is at least known which clans dwelled in the caves of the Orocarni, a place from which they…

