Why Thinking Is About to End

Stupidity has taken the throne, and it will be difficult to unseat it.

Alejandro Orradre
5 min readAug 17, 2022


Photo by Ben Traveling

Thinking is overrated and is not helpful in this world.

The other day an acquaintance told me that he has been hooked to his cell phone for two or three afternoons in a row and loses track of time; by the time he realizes it, three or four hours have passed.

What was he watching? Tik Tok.

I was not surprised because everyone around me is a social network user of that platform. I, on occasion, have found myself watching these videos and realizing how quickly the time goes by without doing anything but sitting on the couch looking at my cell phone.

It is surprising -and terrifying- how perfect social networks have become in capturing our attention and making us consume their content. Thanks to the perverse algorithm, our brain is constantly bombarded with doses of dopamine that make it impossible for us to stop watching those short videos.

It would not be an exaggeration to admit that the influence of social networks in our daily lives should be a matter of reflection and concern for authorities, governments, and politicians. They can see how the population — especially the young — turns its back on them and is unconcerned about anything to do with them.

