No more laptops for me

Getting most things done with an iPhone and iPad, and keeping a big-screened iMac for the remaining 10%

Alejandro Burato
2 min readFeb 8, 2014

For the last few months I changed something on my day to day device usage. Sold my laptop (MBP Retina 15"), bought a desktop (iMac 23" thin aluminum) and changed my iPad for the new iPad Air. And I am loving it. I have the iMac at my home office, and my iPad Air elsewhere (with my iPhone of course).

I felt that I didn’t need a laptop anymore, and after a few months working this way I realize I was right. A big chunk (around 90%) of the stuff I create, consume and analyze can be done both from the iPad and/or iPhone. If I am at home (office) I just use my iMac for most of the stuff: love the bigger screen and the desktop ergonomics (always hated the laptops ergonomics). For the rest of the If I am on the road I just take my iPad and that’s it. If I need to type a hell of a lot from the iPad, I just use a Bluetooth keyboard. There are many options available, the ones I most like are Logitech’s.

So my guess is that I will never own a laptop again. As iPads continue to evolve (maybe an iPad Pro with a bigger screen) in terms of screen sizes, processing power (the Air is amazingly fast) and portability, laptops are dead and gone for me.

