My imposter friend

Aleksandra Safranko
2 min readNov 11, 2021


My name is Aleksandra. This is my story about why i decided to change my profession and struggles i came across. I have been working in art conservation for many years. Had a nice job and nice colleagues. But always felt something was missing…

I realised that I missed developing myself, to learn.
So here I am, half way through a Frontend Bootcamp at Technigo. And oh boy did i get that learning part. It’s sort of a love and hate relationship. But mostly love. The hardest part with bootcamps is the pace. You learn a lot in a very short amount of time, but constantly feel you really need more time to absorb things better. I have had a hard time accepting that my learning curve might be a bit slower than some of the others, of course that is because we all have completely different backgrounds. And with two small children at home, the time is short. Middle of my bootcamp I was hit hard by imposter syndrom. All those thoughts about not being good enough, not fit for this at all. Me being a coder?! I got totally lost in those bad thoughts. But then i felt this is where i want to be, this is where i belong .I love coding, problem solving, the visual part of being a frontend developer, constant learning. Even though CSS still sometimes drives me crazy :)

I was putting so much pressure on myself. Of course everyone is in the same rollercoaster and everyone has the same problems. There are many that feel the same, struggling with imposter syndrome, just like me, thinking they have the slowest learning curve and so on.

So i went back to all my moments in life when i had a hard time but managed to go trough and realised just how memory is deceiving. You forget the bad and the hard that lead you to success and looking back at all the moments in life, where I have been put to the test, I realised that I always came out stronger on the other side. Difficult times and struggle can feel overwhelming but it helps you grow.

