Visual studio guide

Aleksandra Safranko
3 min readMar 14, 2022


Visual Studio Code is a source-code editor made by Microsoft for Windows, Linux and macOS so it works cross platforms. You can work with almost anything inside VS code and that is the real power of this amazing tool.

There are two types of VS code, stabile build and insiders edition. Insiders edition is a version that shows you the latest code that is coming from the developers on a daily bases. That means you will get some extra features but they may not work all the time. It is basically a testing version that will be after improvements added to the stabile build.

Main features include support for debugging, syntax highlighting, intelligent code completion, snippets, code refactoring, and embedded Git.

Let's cover some basic features that come with VS code. On the top left side we have folder icon, that allows you to open or create projects and load them in the VS code. Right under we have a search bar, but it is not just a search bar. It allows the user to find a specific term or word in the project and replace it across the whole project, instead of manually changing one by one.

Third icon from top is source control tab. It shows all the files that were changed and ready to be committed.

Next is debugging tool that allows us to have breakpoints, inspect variables..

Fifth icon is extension tab. And here is where the real power of VS code lies. It is an amazing library of extensions that allow you to really customise your VS code and add different functionalities.

As mentioned earlier, real strength of VS code lies in the extensions. Will try to explain some that i found to be most useful.

  1. Live share is a very useful extension. It allows pair or mob programming, so multiple users collaborating in VS code in the same session in real time.
Tabnine extension

2. Tabnine is all in one AI assistant that helps you code faster and implements predictive code autocompletion. Of course the more you use it the better it gets at predicting.

3.Colorize is another great tool, it helps you visualise CSS colours trough coloured background.

These are just basic ones, but make everyday coding easier. Feel free to explore and see that tools fit you best.

