Drizzle did what?

Alex Blokh
Drizzle Stories
Published in
2 min readJul 1, 2023

Meet new member of the growing Drizzle ecosystem

It’s been a month since we launched Drizzle Relational Queries and feedback was extremely positive, people are adopting Drizzle, we’ve broke through 10k GitHub stars approaching 100k/mo NPM downloads. Despite that more and more people started to mention the lack of proper database-browser kit in Drizzle ecosystem.

We’ve initially designed Drizzle to be a plug-in lean SQL solution for your TypeScript and JavaScript projects so you can benefit from all the libraries and tools around SQL itself. Those be server or serverless environments, SQL database browsers, migration tools and distributed database cache networks, everything is available for you and we don’t interfere.
While that’s been a great part of our vision there’s still a vacuum of developers needs when it comes to simple database browsing and relational data exploration. So we addressed the issue!

Meet Drizzle Studio 👋

Drizzle Studio

We’ve spent countless hours for the past month in our Drizzle Labs and finally put everything together.

Drizzle studio grabs your drizzle schema, connects to your database and lets you browse, add, delete and update everything. We’ve added support for explicit null and empty string values, booleans, numbers and big integers and json objects and arrays.

We barely scratched the surface and have so much more to deliver and we are keen to hear your feedback. Your feedback helps us shape the future of Drizzle and it’s ecosystem, it helps us align the vector of where we spend our countless development hours.

Now lets see some action 🚀

Drizzle Studio overview

Drizzle Studio is dark side compatible, ofc!

Drizzle Studio light/dark theme

Wow, that’s amazing!

Yes, thank you! Don’t hesitate and give it a try in our live demo and jump straight into the docs.
👏👏👏 clap! clap! clap! 👏👏👏

