Aleksa VukoticinBetter ProgrammingHow to Build a Great Engineering TeamGreat teams build great products.Sep 6, 20221Sep 6, 20221
Aleksa VukoticinBetter ProgrammingSharing a Cached Layer Between Docker and Docker Compose BuildsImproving your Docker cachingOct 13, 2020Oct 13, 2020
Aleksa VukoticinThe StartupDocker Caching — Introduction to Docker LayersI started this posts wanting to demystify docker caching, one of the important aspects of using Docker in an efficient and scalable manner…Oct 6, 20201Oct 6, 20201
Aleksa VukoticinBetter ProgrammingPractical Kubernetes: Deploying a Back End ServicePart II of the Practical Kubernetes seriesJun 11, 20191Jun 11, 20191
Aleksa Vukoticinthestartupfactory.techKubernetes Stories: Starting with K8s on AWSContainers and Docker have brought such a change to the software development lifecycle that it’s seems like an ancient past when we had…May 13, 2019May 13, 2019
Aleksa Vukoticinthestartupfactory.techFintech– Beyond the HypeShare on FacebookShare on TwitterShare on LinkedinDec 17, 2018Dec 17, 2018
Aleksa Vukoticinthestartupfactory.techHow to Choose the Right Technology For Your StartupRegardless of what is the software product we are building, our goal should be to create a quality piece of software — how do we chose the…Oct 18, 2018Oct 18, 2018
Aleksa Vukoticinthestartupfactory.techHow embracing failure can help designing a better systemSince the school days we have always been advised to be proactive (compared to reactive) — rather than wait for the failure to happen…Oct 11, 2018Oct 11, 2018