5. Family-like work culture is nothing but an unfair deal

Aleks Ritov
2 min readMar 3, 2020

Almost every company I worked for fostered the culture of deep involvement in the business processes, commitment to company results and family-like relationships between colleagues. Which is all great, but this was often called ‘being a family’, which to me is very misleading.

In a family-like corporate environment, employees are expected to contribute more than what their job description entails. That means showing genuine interest in the company’s future and cash, and, more importantly, wanting to work more. What is expected of an employer? Timely payments and an occasional bonus. That’s it. If I was to draw a parallel with a real family, then in a corporate ‘family’ a father сan kick his son out of the house, disinherit him or refuse to pay for his education. I’m not saying an employer is expected to do all this. But, if they expect me to have a personal interest in the company’s success, then where is my share in the company?

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Aleks Ritov

Product Owner at SEMrush, a former startup CEO and Chief Experience Officer. http://ritov.com