Alena Berk
4 min readApr 15, 2020

AI Based COVID-19 Testing kit designed by an Indian Startup which diagnose COVID-19 patient in only 53 seconds

The World Health Organization (WHO) officially declared the coronavirus outbreak a global pandemic on March 11th, as the outbreak has now spread to 183+ countries. Total infections outside of China are accelerating, with the global infection toll surpassing 1279722 as of April 15. Spread of coronavirus at the community level needs to be stopped.

The first and foremost thing required to fight from this disease is to Diagnose the disease at an early stage , as early we can diagnose the disease ,we can start the quarantine isolation and medication of the affected patient.

Currently it takes on an average 2–4 hours to analyze the samples of the patient and get the results. Also many quarantine centers aren’t fully equipped with the testing kits as still the kits are under production and definitely will soon be available at a larger scale.

Techies, IT solutions experts across the globe are putting their tireless efforts to curb this global pandemic.

Many companies have joined hands to control the enormous increase in the death toll.

With companies are putting their humongous efforts in making vaccines, sanitisers , face masks it becomes quite inevitable to test people at a larger scale.

A rigorous testing would help to know the real affect of the disease and to treat the patients at a faster pace.

To support this an Indian startup “ARFICUS” has come up with an innovative and breakthrough solution to test people for COVID-19 in only 53 seconds.

They have made this breakthrough concept which is purely based on ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE .

The system designed by team ARFICUS is named as “COVTREAT”. The system thus developed has been trained on 1678 COVID-19 positive patients data. Not only this the big achievement of Team ARFICUS is that their “COVTREAT” solution has 99.56% of accuracy.

“When world is going through tough phase, it’s our responsibility to serve the society. We are currently in talks with USA Federation , UK Federation , France Regulatories , INDIAN Regulatories for mass deployment of COVTREAT. With only a mission to safeguard people from this pandemic we at “ARFICUS” believes that we will definitely cure our globe from this COVID-19 pandemic”- says SANDEEP SINHA ( Founder and CEO of ARFICUS )

COVTREAT solution has been designed on NEURAL NETWORK algorithms and the system can be used as a software patch in the existing X-RAY/ CT- SCAN machines or can be used as a standalone system too.

Arficus has used the test data from

The entire flow of COVTREAT is like

Due to large numbers of lesions in lungs and rapid changes, multiple rechecks and image reviews are required in a short period of time, significantly increasing the workloads of imaging doctors. What’s worse, imaging doctors who can accurately diagnose and quantitatively analyze COVID-19 are insufficient in number, so the diagnosis efficiency cannot be greatly improved.

The final results obtained by COVTREAT looks like:-

“ARFICUS always aims for the betterment of mankind and this solution is the result of tireless efforts of all dilligent ARFICUS employees. We are currently aiming to deploy the solution at mass level so that all people of the society irrespective of their social status will be benefited”- says ANURAG ( Co- Founder of and CHIEF OPERATIONS OFFICER of ARFICUS )

Through this system, ARFICUS aims to upscale the test to millions in a day and thus the curability and medications of the cases could be done at a much faster pace.

We all must congratulate them and every other Techies, Doctors across the globe who are working tirelessly for the betterment of society.

All the very best!! Team ARFICUS

Alena Berk

Hello I am a healthcare expert and an editor of top business entrepreneur magazines. I always look for new inventions across the globe in healthcare,education.