Battle of the Bots (2024 Update): ChatGPT vs. Gemini vs. Pi vs. Claude 2

Alena Gorb
7 min readFeb 18, 2024

I originally posted this article on Medium last year, but with the latest updates to ChatGPT, Google’s Gemini, and Anthropic’s Claude, I thought this was the time to reconsider my analysis and see how much has changed. So here is an update on how four popular large language models (LLM), OpenAI’s ChatGPT, Google’s Gemini (previously, Bard), Inflection’s Pi, and Antrophic’s Claude 2 compare to each other in terms of their functionalities.

As a reminder, LLM is a type of artificial intelligence (AI) model trained on large amounts of text data. LLM essentially learns how to generate human-like text by predicting which word is most likely to follow the previous one (the actual stats are way more complex than this, but you get the gist).

Just a note before we start: I’m not an AI developer or expert, so I will be comparing the four chatbots from the user perspective rather than their technical specifications (e.g., training methodology, training data, etc.) Also, I will only be considering publicly available free versions of the chatbots, so bear in mind that paid versions could have a lot more functionality available. Finally, all assessments represent my opinions and experience with the aforementioned AIs, so please let me know your thoughts and whether you agree in the comments (but be nice!) Now…



Alena Gorb

Self-taught Python enthusiast, love to use technology to automate boring tasks