The Blue Eyed Boy

2 min readMar 4, 2023


Photo by Oliver Sjöström on Unsplash

I came upon a blue eyed boy

Eyes the colour of azure

A blue so very rare

I had to blink a few times

To make sure that he was really there.

Those eyes held my gaze

Steadfast and strong

Unwavering and unsmiling

As I tried to match along.

I caught glimpses of smugness

Tiny hints of betrayal

Almost a smell of wrongness

And an inconsistency in the air.

My intrigue gathered speed

As his power gained in strength

I felt myself intwined in need

Totally losing my way -

The blue eyes so hypnotic

That I would forget my fear

The warning bells were silenced

As long as he was near.

The more I grew to like him

The more I disliked myself.

The more I grew to like him

The more I disliked myself.

A faint song came through the darkness

A sound I could barely hear

It echoed and it called to me

Ripping me from my fear;

Fighting to take hold

Tug after tug the melody kept on

I started to pull my eyes away

Although the blue was very strong -

I followed the whisper

A sound both near and far

And shutting my eyes to all that was blue

I crawled to the colour of love.

Rijeka, Croatia. February 2023

Photo by Cristian Palmer on Unsplash




Croatia born - Canada raised: writer, humanitarian, humorist, half hearted athlete, mostly anxious explorer, and lover of words and free spirits.