How Jira Software Helps Complete Projects with Roadmap Features

Alen Kipp
3 min readFeb 14, 2022


Jira Software Features

Jira Software has always helped teams collaborate with each other and users continue to turn to it to find out how they can improve their workflows. The roadmap feature provides a big picture view because it gives users insight into their work. They can see what the road will be like ahead and plan for any potential challenges. Roadmaps are also a great way to share plans or progress with other stakeholders. It caters to executives, business partners, and any other external stakeholders who might not be completely aware of the inner operations.

Jira project management tool serves as a business intelligence software since it has big data analytics options. Users can leverage the tools to boost productivity and communicate more effectively with team members. Management can also identify the employee’s needs since the software centralizes all data. Teams are free to build up customer expectations and use their roadmaps to deliver what they promised. There are a few new changes that have been introduced to the feature and they help companies produce better deliverables.

Roadmap Features

Progress Tracker

The progress bar gives users a quick update on their progress against a backdrop of the roadmap. It can list the macro-level updates against each item on a project’s roadmap.

Dependency Tracking

Teams can avoid blockages by being aware of any dependencies between tasks. They can visualize relationships between deliverables during the planning phase and add roadmap items accordingly. There is a drag and drop feature which helps create accurate maps.

Confluence Integration

It is easy to share a Jira software roadmap for any organization using the Confluence integration tool. It helps users showcase their plans at the organization level and display what each team is working on. Users can aggregate their efforts on multiple projects and display them on a single Confluence page.

Project Hierarchy

The macro-level roadmap has items listed with details on each specific project. It describes the hierarchy levels for the roadmap and allows users to expand each item to display the respective stories. Users can view the tasks relevant to it and see the bigger pieces of work.

New Filters

Jira cost covers the sorting filters that help users see a precise area of the roadmap. This feature makes it simpler to view progress on all items. Users can also create roadmaps using highlights of the work they have completed.

Create Sub-Items

It is now possible to break down work into smaller pieces directly from the roadmap. Users can create new items with one click. They can divide the items into smaller pieces without having to exit the roadmap view.

Roadmaps are part of the Jira software core promise. They help teams plan, monitor, track and report on their work. Multiple roadmaps can be combined into a single item and give better visibility into the current work. There are also different ways to explore the roadmap functionality and those who have not used it yet should book their free trial today.

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Alen Kipp

I am a Professional Software project Management Specialist. I have 5 years of experience in the Software project management software industry.