New Garden Phlox

Alen Mert
2 min readMar 9, 2023


New Garden Phlox

Garden Phlox is often the star of summer flower beds, with its vibrant and aromatic flowers appearing in a stunning array of colors. This classic flower comes in a variety of sizes and forms, from tall garden phlox to spreading, low-growing ground covers and even fragrant cultivars.

Types of Garden Phlox

Garden phlox comes in several forms, each with unique traits that allow it to stand out in the garden:

  • Tall Garden Phlox — Also known as perennial phlox, these varieties grow to 3' to 5' feet tall and come in shades of red, white, pink and purple. Their long upright stems are perfect for cutting.
  • Ground Cover Phlox — These low-growing plants form small mounds of foliage with colorful flowers on top and make great edging plants, or can be used in containers. They are usually less than 12" in height.
  • Fragrant Phlox — Some garden phlox varieties have a heady, sweet fragrance that will fill your garden with a beautiful aroma all summer long. These flowers can also be cut and used inside the home.

Growing Tips

Garden phlox is relatively easy to care for, making it an ideal choice for the beginner gardener. Here are some tips for getting the best results:

  • Choose the Right Spot — Plant your phlox in a sunny location, with well-draining soil. Mulch around the base of the plant to help retain moisture and discourage weeds.
  • Water Regularly — Water your plants deeply about once a week, or more often in especially hot weather. Soak the soil around the root zone to keep it evenly moist.
  • Fertilize — Feed your garden phlox every few weeks with a slow-release fertilizer. Look for a balanced fertilizer with a ratio such as 10–10–10.
  • Deadhead — Regular deadheading will help keep your plants looking tidy, and will encourage more flowers for a longer bloom time.

Garden phlox is a classic flowering plant that is easy to care for and will bring beauty and color to your summer garden. With its wide range of types, sizes and colors, you’re sure to find one that will be the perfect addition to your garden.

