AI Will Improve Self-Published Work

Alen Rio
4 min readMay 23, 2023

Self-published Authors Have A Powerful Assistant

Woman writing
Photo by Darius Bashar on Unsplash

This article was written with the assistance of Sudowrite and included relevant affiliate links. I receive a commission when readers purchase items through links in this article.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized how people approach and interact with technology in recent years. AI has enhanced many aspects of our lives, from entertainment and healthcare to transportation and education. One of the most recent applications of AI is in the field of writing. Many companies have created AI technology to automate writing practices and methods that can help improve the quality and efficiency of authors writing self-published books.

AI-powered writing tools can help authors become more proficient by providing instant feedback and detailed grammar, punctuation, and spelling guidance. For example, one of the most popular AI writing tools, Grammarly, offers an AI-driven grammar checker that can detect grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors in a piece of writing and provide suggestions for improving the overall writing quality. This can be particularly helpful for authors self-publishing their books, as it can help them avoid common errors and produce better-written manuscripts.

Man writing at a computer
Photo by Chris Spiegl on Unsplash

In addition to grammar and spelling checks, AI-powered writing tools can help authors create manuscript content. AI-powered tools such as Sudowrite can provide authors with automated writing assistance, generating content on demand based on a given topic. This can be especially helpful for authors looking to quickly create content for their books, as Sudowrite can generate content in minutes that would otherwise take hours or days for authors to write on their own.

Book pages
Photo by Elisa Calvet B. on Unsplash

One important area where AI can help self-published authors is in the rewriting process. Rewriting manuscripts with AI is easier because AI-based tools are designed to recognize repeating words and phrases, thus saving time and effort for writers. These tools allow writers to quickly change their manuscripts without sacrificing quality. For instance, a writer might want to replace a specific word or phrase with a synonym. In this case, AI-based tools can instantly suggest and recommend a list of potential replacements for the original word or phrase. This removes the need for the writer to spend hours researching and searching for suitable alternatives. In addition, AI-based tools can also detect errors in grammar or spelling and make necessary corrections automatically. This saves writers from manually proofreading their manuscripts, which can be tedious and time-consuming.

AI-based tools can also help writers improve their manuscripts’ overall structure and flow. For instance, AI-based tools can automatically reorder sentences, paragraphs, or sections to ensure the content is logical and understandable. AI-based tools can also help writers identify weak points in their manuscripts, such as overly complicated sentences or paragraphs that are difficult to understand. This allows writers to focus on these areas and make necessary changes to ensure structure and flow.

Rewriting manuscripts with AI is also easier because AI-based tools can perform tedious tasks such as rearranging references, citations, and bibliographies. Many modern academic writing styles require writers to include detailed references and sources, which can be highly time-consuming and challenging for writers to manage manually. AI-based tools can automatically detect and arrange these references and citations, ensuring the manuscript meets the necessary style and formatting requirements. This eliminates the need for writers to manually check and re-check these sections, freeing up more time for the writing process.

writing on a laptop
Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash

AI-powered writing tools can help authors save time when self-publishing their books. AI-powered tools such as Grammarly can offer automated editing services, providing authors with immediate feedback on their manuscripts and helping them identify and fix errors in minutes. This can be a massive time-saver for authors pressed for time when preparing their manuscripts for publication.

AI writing tools, such as Sudowrite, can significantly assist authors in self-publishing their books. AI-driven tools such as Grammarly and Sudowrite can help authors become better writers, create content more quickly, and save time in the editing process. This makes AI writing tools essential for authors seeking to produce quality self-publication manuscripts.



Alen Rio

Author | Learning & Development | Karateka | Strategist | Career Coach |