My Features Review of Sudowrite

The Best AI Writing Assistant Out There For Fiction

Alen Rio
6 min readMay 23, 2023

Please note: This article was written with the assistance of Sudowrite and included relevant affiliate links. I receive a commission when readers purchase items through links in this article.

For context, this article is focused on certain features of Sudowrite. Please find my previous article relating to my experience with Sudowrite here.

Have you ever found yourself staring blankly at your screen, struggling to find the right words to put down? This familiar struggle can frustrate a writer and sometimes result in procrastination. That’s where Sudowrite comes in, a new AI-powered writing tool designed to help you unleash your creativity and write smarter. In this review, we’ll look closely at Sudowrite and see whether it lives up to its hype as a game-changer for writers. So, let’s dive in and see if Sudowrite can transform your writing experience!

Introduction to Sudowrite

Sudowrite is an AI fiction writing tool designed to help writers with their creative writing process. If you try and have it write an entire book, t will fail. It’s not created for that. Instead, I found it to be an extremely valuable writing assistant.

Sometimes writing fiction can be challenging, and it can be lonely work without a writing partner. Sudowrite can help writers brainstorm ideas for characters and plot points and even suggest great vocabulary choices. The AI tool acts as a beta reader, offering constructive feedback and generating new ideas to try. Developed in 2020 by Amit Gupta and James Yu, Sudowrite has been backed by Hollywood writers and directors.

computer and book
Photo by Nick Morrison on Unsplash

My Criteria: What Makes a Good AI Writing Tool?

A good AI writing tool should help writers brainstorm and flesh out their initial drafts while staying true to their style. The output should be coherent and original, and tools like brainstorming and world-building should be balanced with generic AI writing. It should also be reasonably priced, as writers often iterate story ideas multiple times to get them right. These criteria ensure that writers can access a tool that enhances their creative process instead of replacing it. Sudowrite is better at some things than others, but I found it to be more than adequate for most of my fiction writing needs.

Key Features

Sudowrite offers a plethora of features that help writers enhance their craft. With the visual canvas, writers can easily organize their plots and characters. There are set templates writers can use with this canvas or they can create custom plot points.

The brainstorming feature allows creativity to flourish with character descriptions, objects, places, and world-building options. The outlining feature generates a big-picture view of the story and provides editing step-by-step. Additionally, Sudowrite offers AI book blurbs, outlines, hooks, and beta feedback to mimic human readers.

One of my favorite features is the rewrite feature. This is incredible. You can select text then four options will come up; rewrite, describe, expand, and visualize. The rewrite function then has a drop down that allows you to select many other options to rewrite the selected text. Of these, I have found “Show, not tell” to be absoulutely critical to my writing. I found this one feature to be worth the cost of the entire application.

With 4000-word free trials and affordable pricing, Sudowrite is an attractive AI story-writing tool.

brainstorming with notes
Photo by Per Lööv on Unsplash

Brainstorming with Sudowrite: Does it Work?

While some writers may think AI tools can replace human writers, that is unlikely to happen in our lifetime. Instead, AI writing tools, including Sudowrite, are meant to serve as helpful assistants. They can handle tasks like brainstorming ideas, fixing typos, and suggesting better word choices. This way, writers can focus their energy on the more essential aspects of their writing, like character and story development.

AI has made incredible strides in recent years, particularly in helping with brainstorming and creating outlines. It can also improve the Flesch reading ease score and change the tense of a story with a simple prompt. However, AI is still not great at long-form writing. Sudowrite is not perfect, but it is the best AI tool for fiction writers, with features that make it stand out.

Sudowrite is an amazing writing partner for those who find writing fiction a labor of love. It has fantastic features that make the creative writing process more fun and interactive. This AI program can help brainstorm ideas for characters and plot points, rewrite story sections in a different tone, and offer vocabulary suggestions. It can also act as a beta reader, giving constructive feedback and new ideas to try.

When stuck on ideas, writers can rely on Sudowrite to move their story forward and fill gaps in their writing. Sudowrite is easy to use, creates excellent story ideas, and is purpose-built to help creative writers get over writer’s block and make their stories faster and more collaboratively. It is also helpful as an AI beta reader, which can offer suggestions for writing. Sudowrite is an excellent AI tool for fiction writers to aid their creative process.

Photo by Patrick Tomasso on Unsplash

Story Prompts to Try

With Sudowrite, you can explore different genres and styles, from sci-fi to romance to mystery. Try out one woman’s journey to find companionship with an AI or a scientist’s moral dilemma in building software that can replicate human emotions. The possibilities are endless with Sudowrite’s creative suggestions.

Organizing Your Thoughts with Sudowrite Canvas

Sudowrite has an impressive Canvas feature helps writers organize their thoughts, characters, and story points. The Canvas lets writers add notes and create an outline using templates. It’s cool and easy to use, generating an outline from the summary or allowing for editing step-by-step. Sudowrite offers a big-picture view of where the story is going. The Canvas can also help visualize the characters, like an antagonist in a story, allowing users to add AI to populate and flesh out their ideas.

Using the Canvas can help make writing less disorganized and more manageable. The main drawback to Sudowrite’s Canvas feature is that it can sometimes feel confusing. Still, it offers a valuable asset in streamlining workflow and keeping writers focused on what matters: telling the story. Additionally, writers can access Canvas on the left sidebar, and it’s straightforward to use. Overall, Canvas is a neat feature that Sudowrite offers, and it’s worth checking out if you’re looking for a way to organize your ideas and story points.

Photo by Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash

Final Thoughts

Sudowrite is an excellent AI fiction writing tool that can help writers overcome writer’s block, generate new ideas, and improve their writing. With impressive features such as brainstorming ideas for characters, plots, and settings, rewriting sections of stories in a different tone, and providing vocabulary suggestions, it can act as a virtual writing partner.

The team behind Sudowrite did a fantastic job creating a tool that can benefit creative writers by filling the gaps in their writing and enhancing their knowledge. It’s affordable and offers a free trial, so there’s no harm in trying it out. In addition, the founders have an impressive lineup of supporters, including the founders of Medium, Twitter, and Hollywood writers and directors, which indicates this tool’s potential.

Overall, Sudowrite is an excellent investment for those struggling with writer’s block and wanting to speed up creative writing. It’s easy to use, creates great story ideas, and could be an excellent addition to any writer’s tool kit.



Alen Rio

Author | Learning & Development | Karateka | Strategist | Career Coach |