Alephium Launches Browser Extension Wallet

Download it and try the new features on Alephium Testnet!

4 min readMar 14, 2023

Important Notice

As this is the first release of the browser extension wallet, the community is invited to download it and test the new wallet features. It is very important to securely store your seed phrase if you intend to use it on the mainnet, to be able to retrieve your funds if an error happens. In case you find any bugs, or if you want to make any suggestions for improvements, please reach out to the dev-wallet channel on Discord.

Alephium launched its browser extension wallet, designed to provide a secure and convenient way for users to manage their digital assets and interact with decentralized applications (dApps) on the Alephium network.

This wallet was based on the Argent X wallet, with changes and improvements to make it suitable for the Alephium blockchain. It is fully compatible with the current mainnet and includes features that will be available after the Leman Network Upgrade, like Schnorr signatures, addresses book, token lists, etc. These new features can already be tried on Alephium’s testnet and are explained in more detail below.

⬇️ Download the extension wallet

🔵 Google Chrome store.
🟠 Firefox Store.

Main Features

dApp Support

One of the standout features of the Alephium browser extension wallet is its robust dApp support. The wallet was built to be compatible with decentralized applications deployed on the Alephium network, making it easy for users to interact with their favorite dApps seamlessly.

Token Faucet

Another feature of the Alephium browser extension wallet is its token faucet support (a feature enabled on Alephium’s Devnet and Testnet only). This allows users to obtain small amounts of Alephium tokens for testing purposes easily. You just need to click on the “add funds” button and then on the “request $ALPH” to receive the tokens.

Request $ALPH on Testnet and Devnet

Token List

The wallet includes token list support, allowing users to easily view and manage their token balances and transactions. This feature makes it easy for users to keep track of their digital assets and ensure they are always up-to-date.

Add token form

Address Book

The Alephium browser extension wallet has an address book feature for users who repeatedly send transactions to the same addresses. This allows users to save frequently used addresses, helps to avoid typos, and makes it quick and easy to send transactions to the same recipient multiple times.

Address book

Schnorr Signatures

Finally, the wallet features Schnorr Signatures. This is a more advanced signature algorithm designed to be faster and more efficient than the traditional ECDSA signature algorithm. Schnorr signatures allow users to securely sign messages and verify their authenticity, ensuring their transactions are always secure and tamper-proof. It also provides faster transaction processing times and lower transaction fees.
This feature enables nostr support, making the wallet capable of signing messages in the social network. It could also be leveraged in other Schnorr-based applications.

Schnorr signature option

Using it on Testnet

The Alephium browser extension wallet is a powerful tool with advanced options and an intuitive design, ready to support the new features introduced with the Leman Network upgrade. You can use it on the Testnet to experience a first taste of Alephium post-Leman Upgrade!

Access the Testnet NFT Marketplace here:

Obs: Make sure that your testnet address is on group 0!

Choose an image and mint your NFT!

Feel free to list it and buy any NFT listed here!

If you need assistance, you are welcome to reach out in the community channels on Discord, Telegram. And follow @alephium on Twitter to stay up-to-date.




Scalable for devs. Secure for users. Decentralized for all.