SwiftUI — Using Frames To Align

Learn to use the Frame Modifier to align you views

Alessandro Manilii
3 min readJan 27, 2023
Photo by Emma Pollard: https://www.pexels.com/it-it/foto/foto-di-pianta-a-foglia-di-formaggio-svizzero-verde-rettangolare-montata-sul-muro-1534924/

Frame is one of the most widely used modifier in SwiftUI. Almost every time that I’ve seen it in code is used to give a view a specific size. Anyway .frame can be used in a very clever way to align out content.

The Basic

Let’s make an example. Let’s say that we would like to aling a text on the leading edge of the screen. I’ve seen a lot of people use the next approach:

It surely works but it is a bit overkill since you are creating three views.

The elegant and cleaner way that I suggest is the one using the frame modifier:

With the alignment parameter we can decide the alignment style of our text, or our content. Just add .leading or .trailing and…



Alessandro Manilii

I’m an Italian professional iOS Developer, iOS Tech Lead at Wakala — Join Medium from the following link: https://medium.com/@alessandromanilii/membership