Day 8: Configuring Network Interfaces in Linux

Alestin shelmon
5 min readJun 6, 2024


Today, we delve into the configuration of network interfaces in Linux, distinguishing between static and dynamic IP addressing, and practicing these configurations using essential commands.

A. Understanding IP Addressing

Static IP Addressing

Static IP Addressing involves manually assigning a fixed IP address to a device on a network. This assignment typically involves configuring the device’s network settings, including its IP address, subnet mask, gateway, and DNS servers. Once configured, the device retains the same IP address until manually changed. Static IP addressing provides reliability and consistency, as devices always have the same IP address, making them predictable and easier to manage in environments where specific IP addresses are required for network services or applications.

Dynamic IP Addressing

Dynamic IP Addressing relies on DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) servers to automatically assign IP addresses to devices on a network. When a device connects to the network, it sends a request to the DHCP server, which then assigns an available IP address from a pool of addresses configured on the server. This process eliminates the need for manual IP configuration, making it particularly useful in large networks where managing static IP addresses for numerous devices can be cumbersome.

Dynamic IP addressing offers flexibility and scalability, as devices can join and leave the network without requiring manual IP configuration. Additionally, DHCP servers can assign IP addresses dynamically based on network demand, optimizing address utilization and conserving IP address space. However, the main drawback is that the assigned IP addresses are not fixed and may change over time, potentially causing issues for services or applications that rely on consistent IP addressing.

B. Configuring a Static IP Address

Configuring a Network Interface with a Static IP Address

network connections are managed by the NetworkManager daemon, which simplifies the process of configuring and managing network interfaces. For static IP address configuration, NetworkManager uses ifcfg files located in the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ directory. These files define the network settings for each interface and allow for easy configuration and management.

Step-by-Step Guide

1. Create or Edit the Network Interface Configuration File

Create a file named /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ens33 (or edit it if it already exists) with the following contents. Replace ens33 with your actual network interface name, which can be determined using the ip link show command.

sudo nano /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ens33

Edit the file with the following contents

2. Add the following configuration:

# Add your gateway IP address
# Add your DNS server IP address
# Add a secondary DNS server if needed
  1. Explanation of Configuration Parameters:
  • DEVICE=eth0: Specifies the name of the network interface.
  • BOOTPROTO=none: Disables DHCP, indicating a static IP configuration.
  • ONBOOT=yes: Ensures the interface is activated at boot.
  • PREFIX=24: Specifies the subnet mask in CIDR notation (equivalent to
  • IPADDR= Assigns the static IP address to the interface.
  • GATEWAY= Specifies the default gateway for the network.
  • DNS1= Sets the primary DNS server.
  • DNS2= Sets the secondary DNS server (optional).

modified configuration file

3. Restart the Network Service

  1. After saving the configuration file, restart the network service to apply the changes:
sudo systemctl restart network

Note: If you encounter any issues with the network service restarting, you can use the following command to check the status and logs for troubleshooting:

sudo systemctl status network
sudo journalctl -xe

4. Verify the Configuration

To ensure that the network interface is configured correctly with the static IP address, use the following command:

ip addr show ens33

You should see the assigned IP address ( in the output

Setting up a static

a. Using ifconfig:

ifconfig is a versatile command-line utility used to configure, manage, and query network interface parameters in Unix-like operating systems. It allows users to set up and manipulate network interfaces, including assigning IP addresses and configuring network-related parameters.


ifconfig <interface> <IP_address> netmask <netmask>


  • <interface>: Specifies the name of the network interface to be configured.
  • <IP_address>: Specifies the static IP address to assign to the network interface.
  • <netmask>: Specifies the subnet mask corresponding to the assigned IP address, defining the network portion of the address.


ifconfig ens33 netmask

This command assigns the IP address to the network interface eth0 with a subnet mask of The IP address serves as the unique identifier for the device on the network, while the subnet mask determines the network portion of the address.

b. Using ip

ip is a powerful and versatile tool for manipulating networking parameters in Linux systems. It provides advanced functionality for configuring network interfaces, routing, and policy-based routing, offering more flexibility and control compared to traditional utilities like ifconfig.


ip addr add <IP_address>/<prefix_length> dev <interface>


  • <IP_address>/<prefix_length>: Specifies the IP address along with the prefix length, indicating the subnet mask.
  • dev <interface>: Specifies the network interface to which the IP address will be assigned.


ip addr add dev eth0

This command assigns the IP address with a subnet mask of (represented as /24) to the network interface eth0. The prefix length specifies the number of bits in the subnet mask, determining the size of the network.

B. Setting Up a Dynamic IP Address Using DHCP

1. Create or Edit the Network Interface Configuration File

Create a file named /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ens33 (or edit it if it already exists) with the following contents. Replace ens33 with your actual network interface name, which can be determined using the ip link show command.

sudo nano /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ens33

Explanation: Configures interface eth0 to use DHCP for dynamic IP assignment.

2. Restart networking service:

sudo systemctl restart network

3. Verifying Network Configurations

a. Using ifconfig:

ifconfig ens33

b. Using ip addr:

ip addr show dev eth0


By practicing these configurations, you gain proficiency in managing network interfaces in Linux. Understanding the nuances of static and dynamic IP addressing enhances your networking expertise. Take time to verify your configurations to ensure smooth network operation. Stay diligent and check off each task upon completion to track your progress!

