Quick, Simple Strategies for Assessing Which Musician Will Be Best for an Upcoming Event

Garret Garcia
2 min readDec 27, 2017


There are many different kinds of events where the right acoustic singer can be a true asset. From birthday parties and anniversary celebrations to family reunions and weddings, acoustic music has a way of setting whatever type of mood might be most appropriate and enjoyable. Fortunately, finding a singer who will be ready to serve a particular function especially well does not need to be difficult to do at all.

Simple Ways of Discovering and Booking the Best Possible Singer for an Upcoming Event

There are many musicians who offer these types of services, and some are naturally more talented and successful than others. It can seem as if there might be simply too many choices to wade through, but that really does not need to be an issue, at all. Some productive things to focus on to narrow down the field include:

Video. It might be assumed that listening to audio samples of a musician’s work would be the best way to assess the level of talent that is present. In fact, acoustic videos typically end up being a better way to judge just what a given musician will be able to contribute. The reason for this is that the overall experience of live music is one where the physical presence of the artist in question is always a central focus. Watching a few music videos will generally give a much better idea as to how the musician enhances an environment than will listening to many audio-only recordings.

Set lists. Another easy way to judge how particular musicians might serve a given function is to read through some past set lists. This tends to be productive use of time because it allows for a lot of relevant information to be absorbed quickly. Whereas it could take hours of listening to an artist’s past shows to get a real feel for their approach to music, browsing some set lists of songs online can produce insights much more quickly.

Past projects. Finally, even looking at a few of the types of shows that an artist has played recently can easily pay off. A musician who plays nothing but weddings might have become a true master at that type of work but possibly be less adept at entertaining groups of other kinds.

Music That Helps Make Memories and Keep Everyone Entertained

For those who make good use of resources like these, it becomes a lot easier to filter through the various options quickly and accurately. In the end, that will often mean being able to find the musician who can best help make an upcoming event a success.



Garret Garcia

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