Three Powerful Growth Mindsets for Self-Improvement

Oleksandr Berdychevskyi
4 min readJan 24, 2024


In order to give you some encouragement to develop a growth mindset, I want you to consider this:

You’re lying on your back…dying at the bottom of a mountain.

The last visions of your life are that of a tall mountain peak, far up in the heavens.

You need sustenance and the only food and water is “all the way up”.

You’re weak…but you decide to start climbing. The first part of the climb? Very easy. However, it starts to get progressively harder.

Thoughts of giving up cross your mind many times but you realize that if you do, you will surely die.

With eventual climbing and struggling, you manage to ascend to the peak of the mountain. The view? Euphoric.

And of course, food and water is amazing.

Beyond being a cute metaphor, this is pretty much what life is.

Life is a continuous effort to expand your horizons, your boundaries, and develop a growth mindset.

In this article, I’m going to share some compelling reasons on how to develop a growth mindset.

But first, let’s start with the definition of a growth mindset.

What is a Growth Mindset and Why is it Important?

A growth mindset is the belief that you can change your life and personality given enough time and effort.

This stands in contrast to a fixed mindset that believes change is hard or even yet, impossible.

People with growth mindsets tend to do better in life. They will persevere longer in challenges, they will show up when it’s time for them to put in the effort, and they will persist past the pain and do whatever it takes to change themselves.

It becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. They believe they can get better, so they do.

These individuals are the epitome of mental toughness.

Here are some mindsets that aid self-improvement and personal growth.

Growth Mindset # 1: Nothing stays still.

This is an irrefutable law of physics and life. You are either moving towards something or away from it.

However, the fact is…all things tend to degrade when neglected. This is called entropy and it is the crux of all self-development and personal growth.

If you are not constantly growing and pushing yourself, you will slowly decline.

Growth Mindset Tip: Make it a point of duty to push yourself to a limit at least once per day. Over time, that limit will become your new benchmark.

Growth Mindset # 2: “Without vision, the people perish.”

It is impossible to move from point A to point B without vision.

Being a visionary person is how you grow yourself, how you take action, and how you increase your personal development.

Here’s how being a visionary works out in real life:

Let’s say you make $40,000 a year at 25. You don’t upgrade your skills, you don’t find a new job (or start one of your own), you’re not reading…

Ten years later, you find yourself making 40,000. Except now you have kids. And a house. And a whole bunch of other bullshit to worry about.

Plus, you’ve got inflation grinding against your hard-earned dollars.

What is comfortable now will overtime become uncomfortable. What is uncomfortable now will over time become comfortable.

If you don’t try now, you will certainly have to try later. And what makes you think you’ll be better later? You’re older. You’re more beaten by life. You’ve lost more time.

Then another day will go by. And another. And another. Soon thereafter, you’ve fallen into a rhythm.

Then you find yourself at the end of your life with little to show for it. The sad part is this happens every single day. But it doesn’t have to.

Growth Mindset Tip: Craft a vision for the next year of your life. Once you’ve finished that, start building out an overarching framework for the next 5 years. If you can’t look that far, look ahead in the next month. The next month, what can you do to grow yourself and revamp your life?

What is comfortable now will overtime become uncomfortable. What is uncomfortable now will over time become comfortable.

Growth Mindset # 3: Momentum is on your side…or not.

The most powerful force in the universe is momentum. Call it “habit”, call it “slight edge”, whatever you call it, just don’t call it inconsequential.

But if you can use it in a positive sense, this creates lasting change and helps you increase your personal development.

You grow yourself with the smallest daily discipline you can think of.

Something soooo small, so seemingly insignificant that it yields no tangible results the first times you try it. But over time, it adds up. You gain momentum.

The good news? All of your disciplines affect each other.

When you’re self-controlled in one area, it will be easy to be self-controlled in another.

Growth Mindset Tip: Take a cornerstone habit that you have and ask how you can strengthen or weaken that. For example, if your cornerstone habit is exercise, how can you bring more it into your life? If your cornerstone habit is drinking alcohol every day, ask yourself how you can lessen its influence in your life and how soon.

Conclusion + Wrapping Up

Having a growth mindset is essential to living life on your terms. Without it, success is impossible. A growth mindset is a belief that you, situations, and circumstances in your life can change given enough effort.

There are many mindsets essential to a growth mindset, however, three easy ones to start with are knowing about the nature of change in life, creating a vision, and using momentum to make goal achievement easier.

Implement those, and self-development becomes a joy instead of a burden.

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Oleksandr Berdychevskyi

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