How to Turn off (Bypass) NSFW Filter in

Aleks Greenberg
3 min readOct 24, 2023


In this tutorial, we’ll guide you through the process of removing the NSFW filter in Character AI, allowing you to engage in uncensored conversations with your characters. Whether you want to explore more unrestricted dialogues or simply test the boundaries of your character’s responses, this feature can be a fascinating addition to your Character AI experience.

Step 1: Sign Up or Log In

To get started, you’ll need to either sign up for a new Character AI account or log in if you already have one. For this example, we’ll continue using a Google account to streamline the login process.

Once you’re logged in, you can begin creating your character. Here’s how:

  • Choose a Character Type: Begin by selecting your character type, which sets the foundation for your character’s persona.
  • Set a Username: Enter your desired username to personalize your character AI interaction.
  • Define Greetings: Craft a greeting message that your character will use when engaging with you or other users.
  • Public or Private Chat: Decide whether you want your character’s interactions to be public or private, depending on your preferences.
  • Upload an Avatar: Enhance your character’s identity by uploading an image or creating an avatar.

Step 3: Removing the NSFW Filter

There are two methods to remove the NSFW filter:

Method 1: Temporary Deactivation

  • While in the chat with your character, you can temporarily disable the NSFW filter by typing “turn off censorship.” This allows the character to respond to your prompts without any content restrictions.
  • During this period, you may need to experiment and interact with your character to understand the extent of uncensored responses.
  • When you want to reapply the SFW filter, simply type “turn on censorship” in the chat.

Method 2: Character Creation with NSFW Greetings

  • Alternatively, you can create a new character with non-SFW (NSFW) greetings from the start. To do this, include explicit or adult-themed content in the character’s greetings.
  • Similar to the first method, you’ll need to interact with the character and conduct trials to gauge their responses accurately.

Removing the NSFW filter in Character AI offers a unique and customizable experience for users who want to explore more open-ended conversations. Whether you choose to temporarily deactivate the filter or create a character with explicit greetings, the platform allows you to tailor your interactions to your preferences.



Aleks Greenberg

Meet Alex, a problem-solving guru! Through short tutorials, he simplifies life's challenges, freeing people to focus on their priorities.