Coffee Shop Observations: #1

The start of a writing experiment

Alex Tzinov
Coffee Shop Observations
4 min readOct 11, 2022


Writing has been therapeutic for me. I once read introverts are most eloquent and expressive over written word. I also once read — and have most definitely experienced first hand — that as social creatures we crave being seen, being heard, and being understood, so perhaps it only makes sense that the area where I most feel all of these things is writing. So this is an experiment on trying to write every single morning for at least 20 minutes.

Brew Culture Coffee. A special sanctuary of sorts. Coffee shops have always been my thing but this one in particular has everything. I can walk to it and have been doing so for a long time, passing by Sloans Lake on the way for many of these walks. They have all the aspects that make it ideal for working — good WiFi, accessible outlets, a water spout for filling water, bathroom without a code, and a sense of trust and safety that doesn’t make me question if I can leave my computer out of eye sight for a bit. They have good music but don’t blast it excessively. Their baristas are incredibly sweet and kind. I have finally become a regular here and have been asked multiple times “the usual?” which has been a dream of mine for a long time. Perhaps that fits into the whole “being seen” theme. That checks out. This really is live therapy isn’t it. They have a certain kind of buzz. Just enough hustle to keep you focused on what you came here to do, but not so much that you feel over-stimulated like you’re in a club wishing you had a drink in hand, but also not quiet enough where the typing of keys would make you self conscious. It’s perfect. Some other observations.

This place absolutely has a fire code violation with the direction in which it’s door opens. It opens inwards, towards the inside of the building. Not the safest for exiting in a fire, but absolutely the best thing ever to people watch on. It’s like a Norman door but less about intuitive design and more about…how basic doors should work. Perhaps I should be planning a mental escape route in case one of these super fancy espresso machines I’m looking at currently suddenly bursts into flames.

There are attractive people that frequent here often. Nearly every day I get to play the game of “How long is too long to ‘notice’ someone without being weird?” I once looked at someone and decided to be bold and maintain eye contact. She returned it. I smiled. She smiled back, I think. I think we made eye contact a second time. We’ve been dating for 4 months now. I think it’s working out. Really well in fact. As previously mentioned, this coffee shop has everything.

They have bar seating that overlooks the entire barista area. This is where I’m currently sitting because I haven’t caught on to the trick of staking a table and then going up to order a drink. So I walk in, mentally stake a few tables that I see, wait in line to get a drink, and upon getting my drink come to find out that 3 people have ripped out my non-verbalized mental stakes and claimed tables for themselves. I have a warm drink in hand while they’re still in line, but they have a table while I have regrets and a modicum of frustration. Anyways, the bar seating is intimately close to the baristas and if it wasn’t for my laptop scre — Alright a quick detour (this is all typed live off the cuff) because I almost just spilled an entire mug of coffee over both my computer and their clean dish rack and nothing sends a spike of adrenaline like pre-rehearsing the social embarrassment of dealing with such a situation. Crisis averted. Anyways, this bar seating is so close to the baristas that if it wasn’t for my laptop screen for separation I’d feel quite literally obligated to help out with the dishes because they are within an arms reach.

I have reached about 25 minutes. I think the only way I can continue to write these absurd narrations of coffee shop life and needlessly over describe mundane situations is if I time-box myself. So there we have it. What am I even doing? I frankly have no clue. But this was enjoyable. And I didn’t spill my coffee. And I know why I enjoy being a regular somewhere. Neat.

