Oh, Twitter Logic

1 min readFeb 18, 2019


So I had my Twitter account suspended and I appealed to find out the reason

That was Twitter reply

Case# 0105942819: Appealing an account suspension — @BabyWogue [ ref:_00DA0K0A8._5004A1c81yP:ref ]


After investigating your appeal, we have determined that your account posted content that was threatening and/or promoting violence in violation of the Twitter Terms of Service. Accordingly, your account has been suspended and will not be restored.

You can learn more about suspended accounts here: https://help.twitter.com/managing-your-account/suspended-twitter-accounts.



So to recap. Twitter found my jokes promoting violence, but it is fine for Donald Trump to threatening whole countries with fire and fury and continuously promoting national racism on Twitter. Btw I really doubt if they actually reviewed my account, and I guess it was mostly some lazy employee just clicking “Suspend”

For some reason, all terrible things begin on US and this country is constantly on news for something bad. Never for something positive. And US foreign policy is like the angel of death

If you vote in US, change your politicians, change your censorship, and then change your companies too :/

