Ubuntu (17.10) & GNOME 3.24 Quick Desktop Setup

4 min readMay 2, 2017


thats Ubuntu 17.10 daily that comes with GNOME as default desktop, and by the time of this post, it uses GNOME 3.24, but final version might be on GNOME 3.26

also the development of Ubuntu 17.10 is open for a week and something, so this is pretty much identical to 17.04, with a few updates. for instance GNOME Files (Nautilus) is updated from 3.20 to 3.24 ..which btw brings massive changes!

To The Video!

video first to get an idea how things look! and chill! i dont wish anyone to “Burn in the fire” apart Wolfgang Schäuble, the German Minister of Finance!

Dash To Panel

Dash To Panel Extension merges Top Panel and Dash to a single panel, and provides lots of things like Favorites, Quick Launchers, Windows Previews, indicators, calendar etc and lots of customization!

it’s 2017, we are going for big 5k screens! Shell default panel is very good if you live ..in 1970! but Dash To Panel will work fine in small screens too!

there is a study (cant find it!) that says the more controls are presented to the user, the easier is for him to interact with the application or hardware. it is just a matter of space! if you have space you have to expose functionalities!

Workspaces To Dock

Workspaces To Dock Extension is a bit under-estimated judging from the stars in Github, but it is one of the best extension you can get, that will drive your workflow seriously in the next level, at least for those who make deep use of virtual desktops!

by default when you install this extension is a pure mess! what you need to do is to set it always hidden and open with pressure sensitivity, and only let to display the app icons! set the sizes a bit, and you will love it!

in general both Dash to Dock and Workspaces to Dock have crazy insane customization options!

Opacity & Tray Icons

as you guess Top Icons Plus Extension adds icons on a tray, and the Dynamic Panel Transparency Extension adds opacity with an animation when a window gets maximized/unmaximized

Dynamic Opacity Extension sometimes is giving me lag with Shell, at least when used together with Dash To Panel! in any case when you have such issues, disable the extensions and restart Shell by “Alt+F2 & r” or logout and login in Wayland. just disabling an extension wont work!


from GNOME Tweak Tool enable appMenu to be on application window! easy!

from “Windows” section, you can also enable min/max buttons if you want to!

DnD Windows

thats totally an Ubuntu stupid thing! to DnD a window in Ubuntu you need to Alt+Drag, which obviously brings issues with applications that use the same functionality. GNOME by default uses Super+Drag

to change it, open DConf Editor and ..well, and look at the picture!

Icons, Pointer & Themes

icon theme is La Capitaine which is perfect for Adwaita (GNOME’s default) Dark theme that i have changed the windows controls

for adding custom folder colors which is super awesome tap here and i also strongly recommend to change cursor size! you will love it!

lastly, fonts are Product Sans by Google, so Google them!

Wait, there is more!

no there isn’t! i just got bored to write anything else! see ya! maybe!

