Akropolis Community Quest Part 2

4 min readJul 4, 2019


Hello Akropolitans, Cryptomaniacs,

The past will not be forgotten ! This article is the first one of a rewind serie which will cover rounds 2,3 and 4.

So let’s go back in time with the round number 2 !

Reminder : We are talking about a community event organized by Akropolis project. 1 round left at the time of writing this article (normally Saturday, 6th of July), this is your last chance to win points with rounds, so hurry up !

Topic of the day : DeFi

First things first, what is DeFi ?

From Akropolis Wiki :

DeFi is a shared community of projects developing open-source financial primitives that started in autumn of 2018.
The core principles of DeFi are interoperability, open-source, permissionlessness, and financial transparency.
The goal of this community is to promote decentralized finance projects, onboard new users and developers, and cooperate to develop the finance system of a new generation. From the initial 12 projects, DeFi significantly expanded during the last eight months and holds more than $500 mln of value in its financial applications.

To be honest, I got a lot to learn about DeFi applications, but thanks to Akropolis and the community quest, I am learning day by day.
One of most notable project I personally know from DeFi applications, besides Akropolis, is MakerDAO. I will not expand myself on this topic as I don’t enough knowledge today, but I can recommend you to have a look at DeFi applications and learn more about this whole ecosystem of finance 2.0.

We started the task 1 of the round with 2 themes :
1) Explain in your own words how DeFi changes the landscape of finance
2) In your opinion — what are the limitations that DeFi is facing currently ? How can we overcome them ?

Then we had a quizz to answer and a puzzle. If you want to take a look at what kind of questions we had, feel free to check this link from the wiki.

I will quickly jump on the riddle part of the round as always, which is the most interesting part of rounds in my opinion !

First part

A DeFi project. What is the last name of the company’s CEO ?
Hint : “tel 537–4057 St Thomas”

This part was quite easy. Searching on Google the contact address in the hint with “CEO”, we could easily find which project this hint was associated with.

In this case, it was the Polymath project. Polymath’s CEO is Trevor Koverko, so the answer for the question was : “Koverko”.

Second part

Hint : “blue bird”

This part was more difficult.
The hint meant we had to look for something on Twitter, and in this case it was the tag #defi4life.

We will then find a Twitter post from Yana, with a link to a website called Transnebula.

Yana twitter post with the hashtag #defi4life

This website requires a password to enter and I lost a lot of time trying to figure out what this password could be.

After some time, I realized the password was in fact in the image associated with Yana’s twitter post !

Indeed, if you look closely at the bottom of the image of her twitter post, you can find a blurry text “siegfried”. And this is the password !

Oh sneaky !

After that, another question was available on Transnebula website : “Enter the name of the capital of AL on the platform”

This is the capital of an America state, ALabama : Montgomery.

This is the end of round 2 of Akropolis Quest Community event.
It is always interesting to notice that most of the times, under pressure of the competition, we can easily overcomplicate riddles analyze with irrational logic when the answer is sometimes in front of our eyes.
It seems like the brain just don’t want to see it.

Stay tuned for next rewind episode about round 3, the most interesting round I have done so far !


Common links :
Akropolis Website : https://akropolis.io/
Akropolis Quest Wiki : https://wiki.akropolis.io/
Akropolis Telegram : https://t.me/akropolis_official

