Akropolis Community Quest Part 1

5 min readJun 15, 2019


Hello everyone ! Today I want to share my personal view on a community event organized by Akropolis project, but first things first, what is Akropolis ?

Akropolis is a domain-specific financial protocol dedicated to the needs of the informal economy. They released recently a Medium article to explain what they are currently working on, including a nice made video demonstrating a first version of their product. I invite you to consult the article following this link to get an idea about what the project is about. Here is the video :

This is the third time they prepare a quest for the community, in order to engage Akropolitans, educate them about blockchain thematics, the project itself in funny and intellectual games.
In my case, it’s a little special, because I didn’t have the opportunity to participate in first quests, so I experienced this quest as my first one.

How does this work ?

Register on the platform : https://quest.akropolisnetwork.com/ (guide for subscription available here)
Join Akropolis Telegram : https://t.me/akropolis_official

Akropolis has its own really detailed WIKI about the project but also the quest, a rich source of information. If you are completely new to the project and the concept of quests, you will be an expert in no time, no worries !

To put things simply, you win points doing specific activities : you can decide to create a Medium article about the project or a video, GIFS/stickers for the Telegram community, or participate in games through different rounds (this is the main part I am talking about today).
1 point is worth 1$ equivalent of AKT tokens.

At 150 points, you can decide to convert them in AKT tokens.
For more informations about Quest Point system : https://wiki.akropolis.io/pointsys/

To have an idea, the prize pool of this quest is about 100 000$ !

Ok so, what’s next ? Can I still participate in this adventure ?

Of course ! Even if you didn’t have the opportunity to participate in a round, you can still participate in the other ones coming. The quest is composed of 6 rounds, so prepare yourself, and come compete with the community for next rounds.
The team will announce a new round in the Telegram channel.

A round generally occurs as follow :

1) First task, share personal views in Akropolis Telegram chat about specific questions. In the first round, questions were about how we discovered cryptocurrencies and what were our personal opinions about crypto advantages and inconvenients.
You will have some time for this first task, it lasted 3 hours for the first round.

BUT the game gets really SPICY when second part starts !

2) The community management generally tell the community when the second part will start and then share a password to start the round which you can type after login in the quest portal .

At the program of today round, questions with different answers, puzzles, riddles, that will make your brain burn.

I will emphasize on the first round last step, which was the most difficult for me.

We had to investigate a blockchain transaction to find a goddess name.
A hint was available : the singapore subway.

I am not new to crypto, so I immediately started to look on Blockchain website to look for the transaction, but unfortunately this transaction lead to nothing.

Ok Alexis, there is a hint about Singapore Subway, let’s try to see how this can helps.

Singapore Subway Map

You can’t imagine where my logic lead me …

I tried to look on Google results about goddess and singapore subway, I ended up on a article about a guy dressed as moon goddess, and tried to put her name in the result of the quest. FAIL

I tried to see if each station reference was a part of the transaction that could lead to a specific station name which could have an answer to help me solve the riddle and find the goddess. FAIL

I even searched the origin names of the station to see if there was an origin with gods, I am perfectly knowledgable now and think I can work as a tourist guide for Singapore Subway. But … FAIL

In the end, the hint was something way more simply than that ! No, Akropolis team is not sadic and not looking for torturing us.

One of the stations of Singapore Subway is named Kovan, Kovan is one of Ethereum testnets available.

This is what the Singapore subway was about. And if you looked for the transaction in Kovan testnet, you could easily find one, that include a data, which translated in UTF-8, was the name of the goddess we needed to put in the answer of the quest to finish.

This was a sneak peak of what Akropolis Quest is about, we had also the opportunity to find the answers for a puzzle like :
- In which city a skinny co-founder of Ethereum was born ?
- There are three animals associated with the trading. What is latin name of the crypousers’ favorite animal ? Same as a Ford model series.

In conclusion, this quest round was an happy and divertising way to learn about blockchain and earn some really nice prizes, and I look for more riddles and challenges about Akropolis project itself.
It is easy to find an activity to earn points, so everyone should find its happiness with this community event.

It’s with pleasure that we will welcome more Akropolitans to the battle, so feel free to drop in the telegram if you still have questions, I am sure the team will be pleased to help you.


