Akropolis Community Quest Part 3

5 min readJul 5, 2019


The rewind serie continue with a new episode : let’s go back in time with my favorite round so far : Round 3.

Reminder : We are talking about a community event organized by Akropolis project. 1 round left at the time of writing this article (Saturday, 6th of July), this is your last chance to win points with rounds, so hurry up !

Topic of the day : DAOs

What is a DAO ? A DAO stands for Decentralized Autonomous Organization.

The main features of a DAO are :
- Fully-digital organization, based on blockchain and ruled by a set of smart contratcts
- Non-Hierarchical organization
- Decisions made by a collective decision-making process with voting
- Shareholders represented by DAO token holders
- Value within the DAO distrbuted among all the members
- High levels of transparency and privacy, the DAO being decentralized on a blockchain, individuals control their identity and personal data

Among DAO projects we can find MakerDAO a decentralized system issuing the stablecoin DAI. In this case collective decision making allow to interact with the interest rate of DAI issuance.
Others famous projects in crypto with DAOs are DASH, but also Aragon.

For more info, look for Akropolis introduction article about DAOs.

And what is the relation between Akropolis and DAO ?

DAO is an essential part of Akropolis infrastructure with the creation of AFOs (Autonomous Financial Organizations).

To have concrete examples, AFOs in Akropolis ecosystem will allow users to save, insure, issue credits without reliance on banks or financial institutions, and this is a big deal !
Currently the informal economy not relying on government and state which could benefit greatly from Akropolis protocol is about 2 billions of people. (more informations about informal economy in the round 3).

We started the task 1 of the round with 2 themes :
1) Explain in your own words how DeFi changes the landscape of finance
2) In your opinion — what are the limitations that DeFi is facing currently ? How can we overcome them ?

Then we had a quizz and a puzzle. If you want to take a look at what kind of questions we had in these first steps, feel free to check this link from the wiki, you will find all the details.

Let’s move on the most interesting part : the riddles !

First part

1) How much Akropolis points can one get for a Pepe WEBM ?
Hint : Check it

2) What were the right answers for Round 1 crossword ?
Hint : Check it

Both parts were linked to Akropolis wiki.
In the first case, WebM being related to video, it was the video part of the point system.
In the second case, it was even more simple, because we didn’t have to do interpretation. We had to go look for round 1 answers on the crossword part as specified.

Going there you could then find morse code, that you needed to …tadam …decode. Today I use personally dCode which provide many tools for encrypted messages.

Example for Round 1 answers

The message decoded was the following :


Goal was to go to Coingecko, look for volume for Maker, order in volume and look for an exchange with 16,29% part of the global volume on the token.
In this case it was Uniswap. The founder of Uniswap is Hayden Adams, so we needed to put his first name and that was good for the first part of the riddle.

Second part

I have 2 variants at my disposal, thanks to @sidzuka aka Yana :)

1)Enter organization
Hint : Sun is the key
2)Enter finance
Hint : Moon is the key

Along with the hint, a pastebin was available which would lead to a serie of numbers and a text : “Nihilist (-j)”.

I tried to look for the numbers on Google and lost a ton of time looking at different climatology data books on differents states like California.
“Sun” and “Moon” being correlated to climate, I though a specific set of numbers could mean something in the data set, but it never did.

Euh… sorry ?

If you search on Google “Nihilist crypto” you could also find a cryptogrpahy cipher link on one of my favorite site for this quest again, dCode.
Here is the link for Nihilist cipher : https://www.dcode.fr/nihilist-cipher

I tried to put the numbers to decode, with the “sun” key, but it didn’t work. The “(-j)” didn’t make sense to make as well, I tried to look on google but found nothing.
But if I would have spent a little more time reading dCode description about Nihilist cipher in the first place, I would have then understood an essential clue to solve the riddle way faster :

The Nihilist cipher is an over-encryption of the Polybius square. It uses a grid (usually 5x5 = 25 cells) that is filled with letters of the alphabet (often a deranged alphabet).
For a 5x5 grid, the 26-letter latin alphabet do not fit, choose a letter to omit, often the J, V or W are omitted.
The grid has digit headers for its rows and columns (typically 1 to 5).

I needed to take out “j” letter filling the 5x5 grid in order to make the cipher work.

Solution for “finance” variant

In this case the message decoded was “INFINNISHLANGUAGE”. I quickly understood then we needed to translate the first word, in this case finance.
And this was the answer for this last part : Rahoittaa.

I loved this round because the decoding of the morse code and cipher method were composed of differents steps all fun to do, entertaining and educating. I discovered cryptography methods I didn’t know before.
I even think that in the future, to encrypt some message to some IT friends, I will use the Nihilist method. *sadic mode on*

Thanks for reading and stay tuned for last episode of the rewind serie with round 4 coming soon.


Common links

Akropolis Website : https://akropolis.io/
Akropolis Quest Wiki : https://wiki.akropolis.io/
Akropolis Telegram : https://t.me/akropolis_official

