Akropolis Quest Special Round 3

4 min readJul 10, 2019


Hello Akropolitans, Cryptomaniacs,

Community Quest rounds are soon coming to an end, next and final round will happen on Friday 12th of July.
It will be your last chance, so no more excuses and participate in the competition !

Today will be a short feedback of Special Round number 3. This round was easier than previous ones in my opinion, with a riddle for search part solved in some minutes for first winners. Let’s start !

Topic of the day : Web3 Ecosystem

What is the Web3 foundation ?

The Web3 Foundation is a Swiss foundation fostering and shepherding the cryptographically-enabled protocols that safeguard decentralization and enable the vision of Web 3.0.
The Web3 Foundation employs researchers who research novel cryptographic methods and funds teams developing bleeding-edge software protocols.
W3F’s primary project is the Polkadot project, but they also help set standards and help to organise teams, both online and offline, to better coordinate with each other and document progress. (source : Web3 medium)

Akropolis works hard with Polkadot, they are launching Akropolis parachain and running a validator node on Polkadot testnet Alexander.
The team is also actively participating on a new proposal : Polkahub, a platform to facilitate the deployment of nodes.
For more informations about their work on Polkadot, check the first part of the serie about their work with Polkadot going to this link.

On July 6th, a news officially announced the collaboration between Akropolis and Web3. This news sounds logical regarding all the work the team had already done and aim to do to build and achieve Web3 vision.

Ana Andrianova, founder of Akropolis, is by the way an advisor of Web3 foundation.

For this round we started as usual with a discussion for task 1 along with a quizz to complete.

First task questions for discussion :
1) What does Web3 mean for you personally ? Please share your story.
2) Which project in your opinion will be a valuable addition to the Web3 Foundation ecosystem and why ?

I am personally discovering day by day the work done by Web3's different contributors and I find very interesting the strategy Akropolis is taking to plug their work to the Polkadot ecosystem.
I am looking forward more interoperability with others projects in the future within this ecosystem and I hope Akropolis will play a major role in it to achieve Web3 vision.

The speedrun tasks started at 12pm UTC with a puzzle to solve.
You can access the questions and answers of the differents variants available on Akropolis Wiki following this link.

Find and research, Sherlock mode on !

Like I said earlier, this riddle was easier than usual.

121:5 Fifth word
Hint : XMR etymology

XMR is the ticker for Monero crypto project. Searching for “XMR etymology” on Google, you could easily find its etymology on wiki (cf. wiki picture below, first link to appear on Google).

Monero noun etymology

We could see with the Wiki than Monero came for Esperanto language, an international language created to facilitate communication between people of different countries.

I though we had to decode a message with the “121:5” reference but in fact it was even more simple…

Let’s try to take a look at “Esperanto 121:5” on Google :

We can see it mainly talks about the Bible in the results of the request, and it seems “121:5” corresponds to Psalm 121:5 of the Bible.

The sentence from the Bible corresponding to “121:5” in Esperanto is then the following :

“La Eternulo estas via gardanto; La Eternulo estas via ombro ĉe via dekstra mano.”

Take the fifth word of this sentence and you have the answer of the riddle : gardanto.

And this is it for this round. I didn’t lie when I say this round was easier than usual.

Thank you for this quick read.

Stay tuned for last round episode of Friday 6th of July.

Common links :
Akropolis Website : https://akropolis.io/
Akropolis Quest Wiki : https://wiki.akropolis.io/
Akropolis Telegram : https://t.me/akropolis_official


