How To Be A High-Tech Superhuman, According To Ancient Mythology

Alex Bates
5 min readJul 12, 2019


This article was originally published in Forbes.

Centaurs are the future. Throughout myth and history, people have had uneasy relationships with the idea of being superhuman. Most world religions emphasize a clear distinction between God and man. Not only is the former more powerful than the latter, but mankind is inherently unable to achieve a godlike state. In those stories where a human somehow manages to cross the threshold and achieve supernatural power, it usually spells disaster.

Advanced artificial intelligence (AI) technology is not unlike a set of superpowers waiting for mankind to claim them as its own. AI represents an unknowable and impersonal “other,” but we already interact with it in the real world. This technology only gets more capable and powerful each day, so we’re going to reckon with it one way or another. That’s why I encourage people to remember the centaur.

Centaurs are the mythological creatures with human head, torso and arms mounted on top of a horse’s body. They’re the fictional horse-human hybrids from Greek mythology, and they’re surprisingly useful in conversations about artificial intelligence. When I talk about “centaurs” in this context, I’m referring to a people using AI to augment their own cognitive abilities. There’s a clear hybridization happening here: human intelligence is augmented by AI, which is then augmented again by human intuition.

Centaurs from mythology occupy a happy middle ground between god and mankind. They are stronger and faster than any individual person, yet they retain enough human traits to be recognizable as people. The same will be true of AI-enabled centaurs in the near future. They’re ordinary humans, but they’re simultaneously much more than that.

Here’s how we ought to manage the rise of the centaur in the AI era:

Human cognition is fundamentally limited, so we must expand it.

We humans can only retain so much information at once. We have five senses for interacting with the world, and we swim in an unsteady sea of emotion. On top of it all, we’re vain and self-conscious.

Although these neurological traits make us who we are, we’re completely unstable by comparison to computers. Artificial intelligence presents us with a way to hedge these liabilities while transcending our inborn limits. By automating low-level intellectual work that used to require an entire brain, AI will significantly expand the abilities of the human mind.

Establish augmentation as a valuable method for solving new problems.

In my younger life, I used a computer program to visualize a tesseract, which is a mathematical abstraction, a four-dimensional shape that doesn’t exist in human life. This program made it possible for me to project this 4-D image into two dimensions — I could twist and rotate the shape on my computer screen, causing it to morph in complicated ways. Even though I could see it on the computer screen right in front of me, I was completely unable to visualize it in my mind’s eye.

Humans are problem-solving animals, but this next dimension is centaur stuff. I leaned on technology to interact with new information and gained an enhanced understanding of complicated subject matter. Without that program to help me visualize a tesseract, I’d be stuck reading the same textbooks over and over again.

Nowadays people love to use Google search as the solution to any problem. It’s one of the most mainstream cognitive augmentations we have. We no longer need to recall specific information; we just need to be able to find that information when we need it. As AI research and development continues to rise, we’re going to see new methods of data entry and retrieval make big waves for how people solve problems. As we augment our abilities with AI technology, we take a step away from business as usual and move toward a new normal.

Understand that domain-specific centaurs will change everything.

We live in a golden era of “narrow AI,” where algorithms excel at exactly one thing and nothing else. A narrow AI system might play world-class chess, accurately tag and label photos or predict your next vacation. When we use these systems to enhance our own abilities, we become domain-specific centaurs.

I co-founded an AI startup earlier in my career that developed narrow solutions for the manufacturing industry. Someone using our system in their own manufacturing operation would become a domain-specific centaur, gaining a high-resolution view into how their machinery performs and how it’s projected to perform into the future. Our algorithms could catch catastrophic failure months in advance and alert someone to fix the problem before it became a disaster.

In this specific example, the human working with our system becomes a domain-specific centaur. His or her awareness of a machine’s performance was significantly enhanced by having access to our tools. When the system alerted them to a pending problem, that domain-specific centaur could take the necessary action to save lives and money.

Organizations aiming to automate their processes with AI only need to do a Google search or two to find businesses developing AI-powered tools for their own industry. Contact them, meet the people behind the company, and vet the technology. Bring a domain expert with you to ask meaningful questions deserving thoughtful answers. This person should be able to confirm that a solution actually uses AI methodology for its process — it isn’t enough for a system to merely have access to data and use it. That’s not true AI; it’s a conventional rule-based approach that any iPhone app can implement. These kinds of systems aren’t going to push the boundaries of previous work in the field.

Conversely, if you’re developing a solution in-house, it’s important to ask those same questions find a way to push those boundaries all the same.

Most spheres of human interest will make tremendous gains with help from AI technology. This is especially true when that technology is designed to enhance — instead of replace — a human approach. Mythology might be full of violent stories from the past, but its images of the centaur is completely pertinent to modern times.

