If you had $100,000, would you invest it in Bitcoin or Gold? Arbit polled 1,000 people. Here’s what we found out.

Alex Bullington
3 min readMay 16, 2018


Earlier this month, Arbit partnered with Early Investing to poll their subscribers on a simple (or not so simple) question: You inherited $100,000 from your uncle (woohoo!). You had to invest it right away in either Bitcoin or Gold and hold it for five years. Which one do you believe would provide you the best return?

The question of all questions.

We had 1,000 people chime in from around the globe.

The U.S. state with the most respondents: California

The top 5 countries outside the U.S. with the most respondents: Canada, England, Switzerland, Netherlands, and Germany.

Here’s where they came from

And the results?

An overwhelming 65% of them said Bitcoin. Wow.

If you’re a big believer in Bitcoin, you might look at that and say well, I’m not that surprised…

However, there was one thing that REALLY stood out to us:

75% of the survey respondents were ages 50 and older. Isn’t this age bracket one of the largest detractors from cryptos?

“That whole cyro-money thing, it’s a Ponzi Scheme!”— your parents, probably. First of all it’s cryptocurrency, Mom; and it’s a lot more impressive than you may think!

So, why the heck are they suddenly all aboard the Bitcoin train?

Maybe sentiment is starting to shift? Maybe it’s recency bias and they thought it would be fun to answer Bitcoin?

A problem we’ve seen with survey platforms is not just around the struggle to engage respondents, it’s that they don’t give you the why behind certain data points.

At Arbit, we dove into the data and respondent behavior. We took what we found and asked behavioral psychologists as well as financial gurus about the results. Here are the three curated insights everyone concluded:

  1. It’s hard to avoid the elephant in the room.

Big names are piling into the space. Goldman Sachs is one of the largest and most respected banks in the world. When they do something new, it can usually be seen as a greater, seismic shift in how banks as a whole will focus their efforts moving forward. They recently added a trading desk focused solely on cryptocurrencies and more banks will follow. Trading platforms like Coinbase and Robinhood are now backed by firms like Andreessen Horowitz and Sequoia Capital. That’s no joke.

2. People don’t see gold as appreciating in value anymore.

And they shouldn’t. The price of gold has actually net decreased in value over the last 5 years to date.

3. Final chance.

Older generations may not fully understand the impact of cryptocurrencies but they’ve seen revolutionary technologies introduced in their lifetimes, and they’re coming to terms with a “final chance” to cash in on the next big boom.

| “It’s hard to avoid the elephant in the room.” |

In order to produce these insights, we needed to engage people enough to respond to the poll. To that effect, here is what Early Investing had to say about the results:

We got a hell of a response, which is great! We’d love to do more of these. Do you think we could make this into a regular thing? — Allison Brickell, senior newsletter editor.

To see what it looked like, you can take the survey here.

Remember, you can ask customers questions, but if you can’t engage them, you’re losing out on data. Receiving and analyzing feedback seamlessly is what we’re all about at Arbit. If you’re looking to stay ahead of the game and connect with your customers with iterative, creative feedback, you can test out our platform for free.

Contact us for more information or any questions you have.

Have a great week!

