5 Words That Can Kill Your Blog (And How to Stop Them)

Alex Perry
3 min readJan 12, 2024


Conquer Your Overwhelm…

The world of blogging offers endless possibilities. You have your niche, passion, and burning desire to share your voice with the world.

But before you even hit “Publish,” there’s a silent killer ready to snuff out your blog’s flame before it flickers to life.

What's that silent killer, Alex?

It’s “Procrastination”.

We’re talking about those five insidious words: “I will do it later.”

They sound harmless enough, a mere postponement, a temporary reprieve from the daunting task at hand.

But in blogging, “later” can become a bottomless pit, swallowing your motivation, momentum, and ultimately, your blog’s potential.

Photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash

1. Procrastination is a Progress Blocker:

Those “later” tasks pile up like Tetris blocks, hindering your ability to move forward.

Setting up analytics, creating essential pages, and optimizing for ads. These crucial steps get pushed aside, and your blog remains stuck in limbo.

2. Overwhelm Breeds Stagnation:

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

The longer you put things off, the bigger the mountain of “to-dos” becomes.

This can lead to being overwhelmed and, ultimately, bringing a complete halt to your blogging journey.

3. Momentum is a Fragile Thing:

The initial excitement of starting a blog can fade quickly if progress stalls.

Each “later” erodes your motivation and makes it harder to pick up the momentum again.

4. Early Days Are Critical:

Photo by Senjuti Kundu on Unsplash

The initial weeks and months are crucial for establishing your blog’s foundation. Letting tasks slip during this period can have a cascading effect.

Your growth and visibility are in real danger.

So, how can you combat this silent enemy?

1. Embrace the Power of Now:

Instead of deferring, tackle tasks head-on, even if it’s just for a short burst. This momentum can snowball, keeping you moving forward.

2. Prioritize ruthlessly:

Identify the most critical tasks and focus on completing them first. Don’t let perfectionism or minor details distract you from making progress.

3. Chunk it down:

Break down large tasks into smaller, more manageable steps. This makes them less intimidating and easier to conquer.

4. Find your support system:

Connect with other bloggers who understand your struggles and can offer encouragement and advice.

Sharing your journey can make the process less daunting.

5. Celebrate small wins:

Photo by krakenimages on Unsplash

Acknowledge and appreciate even the smallest accomplishments. This keeps you motivated and reinforces the positive aspects of your blogging journey.

Final Words

Remember, “I will do it later” is a slippery slope. Don’t let five little words sabotage your blogging dreams.

Take action today, prioritize your tasks, and build your blog brick by brick. Dedication and a little strategic planning can turn your blogging vision into a thriving reality.

Let’s keep the conversation going!

Share your experiences with procrastination and how you’ve overcome it in the comments below.



Alex Perry

Professional blog writer. Sharing my writing journey. HIRE ME for your blog writing needs.