About Me — Alexander Semenyuk

Alexander Semenyuk
About Me Stories
Published in
3 min readOct 9, 2022


The time has come for me to write the “About me” post. After writing so many books, poems and stories you’d think this would be an easy one, but writing about yourself is never so simple, at least for me. So I decided I will do it in an interview format!

Where are you from?

I was born in Lutsk, Ukraine. I spent a lot of my time in Lviv as well. Lutsk is known for its old castle, while Lviv historically was a cultural center of Europe at one point.

What were you like as a kid?

I spent a lot of time outside. I also read A LOT of books. My mom read me a lot as well and my dad builds legos with me. As a kid, I already dreamed of being a writer. Most of my memory is blurry, but I specifically remember going to cafes and parks with my mom and with my dad. I used to love getting jello as a treat, but my favorite was “kartoshka” sweet, soft chocolate cake. In my early teens, I experienced a traumatic event, which I know now impacted my subconscious more than I imagined, however shortly after that we moved to the USA. It was 2001.

How was the move to the US and life adjustment?

It was both difficult and exciting. Learning the language and facing some adversities was tough, but also I made some great friends and saw some amazing places. After I learned English I began writing…

