How I got to 4.5k followers in 4.5 month on Medium.

Alexander Semenyuk
2 min readNov 9, 2022

Hey friends,

Thank you so much for your support as always.

So, how did I get to 4.5k? Lets get right to it.

Every 500 new followers I like to make this update. I want to go over what I call the five pillars of Medium, as I view those as essential to success on this platform, and also a few other things that I learned along the way from several great writers on here.

1. Care and value. This is number 1 for me because I believe to have true success you must care about others and try your best to provide good value.

2. Interactions. This is connected to number 1 as well. I believe in being a part of the community. Helping others and supporting others. Subscribing, clapping, reading, responding. Building good and positive feelings around us.

3. The time. Take time in the community. Try to dedicate some time to it every day. If not posting, then supporting others.

4. Quality. Make sure your posts are not done because you are forcing them.

5. Consistency. Try and be consistent with your blog. If you go away for a week at a time people will not know what to expect anymore.

So, now few other things that I found important.

