Breaking the Silence on Sexual Harassment

Alexa Okane
3 min readMay 8, 2018

These days, most of us scroll through social media in the morning just to get a sense of what our friends are up to. But lately, it’s almost impossible to open any social media app without coming across “#MeToo”. What is this new hashtag, and why is it popping up everywhere?

The #MeToo movement allows women to come forward on social media about their experiences with sexual assault or harassment, lending support to other women who have experienced it and gaining support themselves. The move has been both highly praised and criticised, but most importantly it has sparked a new era of feminism through social media.

The idea of using social media as a conduit for such a serious issue has also led to some controversy itself. In interviews with regular social media users, the medium chosen for the movement garnered mixed reactions.

I talked with two Champlain college students to get their views on the issue. In an interview with Kellen Bailey, a recent transfer to the professional writing major, he admitted that it is “not as empowering to hear about with a hashtag because it isn’t as serious as the sex misconduct allegations” that he sees in the news.

Samantha Gougher, a first year professional writing major, agreed, stating that “women need to be more outspoken and individualistic instead of repeating the same hashtag” because “there has to be individual thought” for it to truly matter. Both interviewees admitted that the hashtag was better than nothing, since it…



Alexa Okane

Alexa is a Professional Writing student at Champlain College. Visit her website at for more of her writing!