10 Traits of a High-Value Woman

Alexa Rose
7 min readDec 15, 2022


Becoming her.

Image by syaifulptak57 from Pixabay

If you’re wondering how to become a woman of high-value, it’s important to know this is all about being healed. Only a woman that has done inner-work knows her worth and doesn’t settle for less. She can make decisions on her own and doesn’t rely on others for happiness.

She fully embodies her magnetic feminine energy — and for this reason, she attracts high-value men as a reflection, and doesn’t chase.

Here are some signs of a high-value woman:

She refuses to be dependent on others for happiness.

A high-value woman knows that she’s enough. She doesn’t need to be validated by anyone else, and she certainly doesn’t depend on others for happiness or the love that she needs.

She has a healthy sense of self-esteem and self-confidence, which allows her to prioritize her own needs without allowing other people’s bad behavior or lack of support to bring her down.

A high-value woman is also unafraid of being alone — she knows that true happiness comes from within, so even if every relationship ends in failure (or even if they never start in the first place), it won’t make her feel less worthy as an individual.

She does her own thing.

As a high-value woman, you know that you’re capable of doing your own thing. You want to be with the person you love, but they don’t need to be with you all the time. You have your own interests and hobbies and it doesn’t matter if someone isn’t interested in them or is there with you on a regular basis. In fact, many high-value women have been accused of being independent, or “masculine” because their family members/friends think they shouldn’t spend so much time alone instead of spending more time with their partners.


She is just fulfilled and whole, and the people in her life are a bonus ..

She doesn’t need constant reminders of your love for her.

She doesn’t emotionally depend on you or anyone else. She knows that she’s beautiful and smart, but doesn’t see herself as a pedestal or trophy to prove your love.

She always makes time for self-care.

Self-care is important for every woman, whether you’re in a relationship or not. If you don’t make time for yourself, you will feel exhausted and stressed out — and that doesn’t do anyone any good.

What does self-care mean to you? For some people, it might be going for a run, taking a bath with bubbles and candles, or reading a book on your favorite subject. For others, it could mean going out with friends or scheduling regular facials at the spa.

How can you make time for these activities? It’s all about prioritizing them in your schedule (and making sure they stay there). A few ideas: schedule them into your planner; create reminders on your phone; carve out half an hour before bed each night; start each morning by telling yourself what goals are top priority today (and why).

Nurturing your mind, body, and soul is a priority.

She doesn’t feel like she has to change herself for you.

She is who she is. She doesn’t feel like she has to change herself for anyone. She knows who she is and she’s comfortable in her own skin. She’s confident in her own shoes, so why should you expect her to change them?

This means that if she isn’t into something, if it’s not a part of her lifestyle or what makes her happy, and if it doesn’t bring value into her life — she won’t be forced into it, and neither will those close to her heart.

That kind of confidence is what makes a high-value woman more attractive and energetically magnetic.

She expresses her needs and wants clearly, even if it’s hard.

When it comes to being a high-value woman, you are not in the business of being “nice.” You are in the business of keeping your needs and wants at the forefront of your mind and communicating them clearly, even when that means you might feel vulnerable or exposed.

You know what you need. And if you don’t already know, ask yourself this question: “If I had everything I wanted from my life right now, what would that look like?” Then write down every single thing on that list. Next look at each item on that list and ask yourself why it is important for me to have this thing/achievement/happiness/love in my life? How will having this improve or facilitate my experience? If an answer doesn’t immediately come to mind, start thinking about how it could impact other areas of my life such as finances or relationships with friends and family members (and especially romantic partners).

Once you’ve got all of your desires written down and their importance mapped out onto their various ramifications across different facets of your life — that’s when communicating them becomes easy!

She won’t give you all of herself until the relationship becomes committed.

If you’re not ready to commit, she won’t give herself to you. This is a sign that she trusts you and respects your boundaries. It means that she knows that being vulnerable with someone is a sign of respect and admiration for them. It also means that it takes time for a person to be happy with themselves before they can be happy in their relationship, so don’t push her into something she isn’t ready for.

She knows how to hold boundaries with herself and other people.

Being a high-value woman isn’t just about being able to hold your own in the boardroom, it’s also about knowing how to draw appropriate boundaries with yourself and others. Holding boundaries means having a strong sense of self and knowing what your limits are — in every area of life. If you don’t know what your boundaries are or need help setting them, ask for help from someone you trust who will be honest and not judge you for who you are or where you come from.

You might be an extremely hard worker with tons of hustle, but if people take advantage of that quality by constantly asking for favors without reciprocating anything back or respecting the value of your time then they have no respect for themselves either (and likely will do so again).

Don’t let other people push around whatever values or standards that make up who YOU truly are.

She knows what she wants in a partner and won’t settle for less.

You deserve to become a high-value woman, and your relationships deserve this version of you just as much.

A high-value woman (aka healed) won’t waste her time on the wrong guy because she’s not afraid to be single. She’s willing to wait until someone comes along (or she finds someone else).

This is because feminine energy simply aligns and attracts.

The reason why so many women are single is because they don’t know what they want in a relationship and/or who they are as individuals. They’re afraid of being alone, but instead of allowing the universe to align the right man or woman, they’ll take anyone who comes along — even if it’s not good for them or their future relationships.

If you find yourself feeling like your dating life might never improve or your love life is nothing more than an endless cycle of disappointment and frustration, then take some time out today and think carefully about where it all went wrong…

She doesn’t tolerate disrespect from anyone.

She doesn’t tolerate disrespect from anyone at all.

A high-value woman is a woman who values herself and expects others to treat her as if she’s valuable. She won’t tolerate someone being rude to her or not treating her with respect, even if that person is you. If she feels disrespected by your words or actions, she will set boundaries with you and let you know that disrespecting behaviors are unacceptable in the relationship.

Her friends are not immune from this rule either! Or her partners. High-value women have strong opinions about the people in their lives — even their friends’ behavior affects them deeply, so if your friend’s disrespectful actions affect how he treats his wife/girlfriend/partner, it’s going to impact how high value YOU think YOU are (and vice versa).

The truth is: If you want to attract a high-value man, then you need to become a high-value woman.

We all mirror each other.

When you heal, you align with the healed.

When you love, you “find” love.

It’s simple, not easy .. but definitely worth it.

High-value men are confident and humble, and so are you. See how that works? They know what they’re good at and are able to put it out there without sounding cocky or arrogant. They’re trustworthy and honest (not manipulative), kind (not cruel), generous (not stingy), gracious, considerate, thoughtful, respectful…and the list goes on! The rule of thumb is this: if your actions don’t align with your words — if what you say doesn’t match up with how you behave in real life — then we’re going to assume that what comes out of your mouth isn’t true either! High-value men know that actions speak louder than words, and so do you.

Becoming her

Now that you know what a high-value woman is all about, it’s time to put those traits into action. Remember that there’s no right or wrong way to do this — it’s all about finding your own vibe and doing what makes sense for you. If you feel stuck or unsure, just remember that the only thing holding you back is yourself! So go ahead and take the leap into being your best, most magnetic self today: who knows where this will lead?

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