Goodbye Internet… For Now

If you couldn’t tell already, I haven’t been posting a lot of articles lately…. This is because I haven’t really gotten the time and motivation to do so.

Alex Agboola
2 min readApr 29, 2024

I f you couldn’t tell already, I haven’t been posting a lot of articles lately. This is because I haven’t really gotten the time to do so.

The Problem

As you saw from my last article, I started a new podcast called AI With Alex on Spotify and YouTube. The show is basically about me discussing with various of guest about all things AI.

It was fun having conversations with AI experts about pretty much my favorite part of the whole thing.

Then… there was the editing part.

Even though I was using Riverside’s editor (which made my editing time cut in half), I still spent hours on editing one episode. Then, I won’t have time to even code.

Even if I had time, I would lose motivation to do pretty much anything after editing.

I want to write articles, but I just don’t have the motivation and/or time.

The Solution…?

I decided to officially take a break from writing.

I normally code and write articles, but adding a whole weekly podcast to the mix is not feasible for me.

On May 20, 2024, I will start posting articles more frequently (hopefully).


To sum things up, I need a break. I will hopefully gain more time in the future. I will probably write about what I normally write about — AI, coding, tech news, etc.

Thanks for reading this article, I appreciate it.



Alex Agboola

I am a young full-stack developer with over four years of experience. I have a great interest in AI. I also like to write about what I think is right.