How To Use ChatGPT To UPGRADE Your Websites

My Top 5 Features!

Alex Agboola



I know I just wrote 2 days ago on how ChatGPT is bad at coding good websites, but I meant ChatGPT can’t code good websites alone. ChatGPT is a tool and not a replacement. If you didn’t read my last article, the link is here. This is an extension of that article, but you don’t need to read it to understand this article. These are the top 5 things I use ChatGPT for to UPGRADE my website.

1. Inspiration

Photo by Farzad on Unsplash

If you need ideas for your next project, or you just want a cool color palette for your website, ChatGPT can create ideas, make themes, brainstorm typography, type briefs, market research, website ideas, logo ideas, and so many more. ChatGPT can break threw any type of block, it even helped me type this paragraph out!

2. Code/Design Advice

Photo by Steve Johnson on Unsplash

With a simple Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V or an easy screenshot (Chat 4.0 only!), you can get advice like an experienced designer or developer is right next to you. ChatGPT supports many languages for your coding needs:

  1. Python
  2. JavaScript
  3. HTML
  4. CSS
  5. Java
  6. C++
  7. C#
  8. PHP
  9. Ruby
  10. Swift
  11. Kotlin
  12. TypeScript
  13. SQL
  14. R
  15. Go (Golang)
  16. Rust
  17. Perl
  18. Shell scripting (like Bash)

Just to name a few.

3. Your 24/7 Customer Support

Photo by Charanjeet Dhiman on Unsplash

I got this idea from HubSpot. ChatGPT is available 24/7 (except for when it crashes!). With a few lines of code and an API key, you can add ChatGPT to any website your heart desires. You can modify the AI to work with whatever business you have, like changing the tone, training it with what industry your business is in, changing the language if the user speaks a different language and many others. Just like how you can customize ChatGPT using OpenAI’s GPT Builder, you can customize your ChatGPT to whatever you need.

4. Code Helpful Snippets

Photo by Chris Ried on Unsplash

Instead of coding an entire website (I tried already!) ChatGPT is more useful for coding helpful snippets for your website. In fact, the article “CEO Thinks AI Will REPLACE PROGRAMMERS in 5 Years!” (made by me :D) states that as of mid-2023, 41% of code (on GitHub) is AI-generated. 41%! I do too personally use ChatGPT to code snippets from features to functions on things I can’t quite understand, or just don’t know how to do it.

5. All of our assets

Photo by Thor Schroeder on Unsplash

It is not only your place to get snippets, ChatGPT is also your quick research, your educator, your debugger, and so much more. ChatGPT is pretty much a MUST for all developers:

1. Researcher

With one prompt, ChatGPT will research anything you wish for. This feature is ChatGPT 4.0 only.

2. Debugger

We all had times at least once in our code when there was a bug. ChatGPT is not only one of the quickest debuggers I have ever used, but it is also one of the most accurate. Now, ChatGPT won’t really get it on the first try. But, unlike other debuggers out there, ChatGPT can always recheck and change its preferences to provide better feedback.

3. Website Advisor

ChatGPT can give you very useful advice on your website with a single screenshot (ChatGPT 4.0 only!). If you don’t have ChatGPT 4.0, I found out that it gives basically the same (and sometimes better) if you copy your source code and paste it in.

4. Image Provider

ChatGPT 4.0 has DALL.E 2 baked in, so ChatGPT can generate high-quality images. Although (as we’ve seen from my last article) DALL.E 2 doesn’t produce well…accurate images let’s say.


ChatGPT is an imperative tool that millions of developers use. Even though ChatGPT 3.5 provides amazing things as we have seen, ChatGPT 4.0 provides even more useful things that I use. If you were on the fence about ChatGPT, as an experienced full-stack developer, I would definitely recommend ChatGPT.



Alex Agboola

I am a young full-stack developer with over four years of experience. I have a great interest in AI. I also like to write about what I think is right.