Human vs AI: Who Can Write the Best

Will AI replace writers?

Alex Agboola
4 min readJan 21, 2024

I was recently inspired to write this article by Manish Dangi👻 from his article:

As I was reading it, I realized how close AI is to taking my hobby of writing. I knew AI was skilled, but I didn’t think it was this skilled. So, I have created a little competition: whoever gets more reads on their article wins.

After some quick research, I have even created an intriguing title for both me and the AI writers to use (with a bit of help from ChatGPT):

Digital Resurrection: We can use AI to talk to the dead?!

I have also found 3 AI writers to put to the test:

  1. ChatGPT 4.0 (the classic)
  2. AI-Writer
  3. SEO Writer

So, let the games begin.

My article

If you want to read my article, here it is:

ChatGPT 4.0’s article

Our first AI contestant is good old ChatGPT. ChatGPT is the generalist, the master at none, and the one of the most popular AI out there. I just added ChatGPT for fun.

So, here’s ChatGPT’s article:

AI-Writer’s article

I just searched up “ai writer” and it was one of the first results.

AI-Writer essentially generates articles using AI. It has a variety of features including content creation, fact-checking, and SEO optimization.

Here’s AI-Writer’s article:

SEO Writer’s article

This AI tool was what I was excited about most. After all, SEO Writer was featured in that article Manish Dangi👻 wrote.

And here it is:

When can I see it?

I will release all articles at 6:52 am on Wednesday so the results can be fair.

So I will see you in a week.

The Results

I got to say, I was pretty shocked about the results.

I’ll just show you the results:

The views (on the left) and the reads (on the right)

The winner for round 1 is me with two reads.

Second place, surprisingly, was AI-Writer.

All of the rest (ChatGPT and SEO-Writer) had no views.

Why Didn’t ChatGPT and SEO-Writer Get Any Views?

In the first week, I didn’t expect to get any views. After all, it took months for Manish Dangi to get his article to skyrocket in views, so I have to say I was not expecting views at all.

But the fact that AI-Writer‘s article got more views than any other AI tool was shocking. Why it is surprising is that you have to pay to use SEO-Writer (I used the free trial). I expected SEO-Writer to at least be the AI that gets the most views.

There’s More?

Yes, there’s more.

Remember when I said:

The winner for round 1 is me with two reads.

I was talking about the three rounds I have created:

  1. Round one is for a week
  2. Round two is for a month
  3. Round three is for three months

I have created these rounds because I want to see the long-term effect of using AI.


In the short term, your article may not receive many views. However, I am confident it will gain more views in the upcoming weeks or months.

As I have said many times, AI is a tool and not a replacement.

I’m only doing this experiment to show you how AI-generated content can affect your article. I don’t write articles using AI. Like I said, a tool and not a replacement.

In conclusion, AI will become more capable with more human-like speech. But for now, we will need to see the strengths and weaknesses of AI to utilize them to their full potential.



Alex Agboola

I am a young full-stack developer with over four years of experience. I have a great interest in AI. I also like to write about what I think is right.