Herbal Treatment for Kidney Disease

4 min readAug 4, 2022


While it is tempting to take common herbal treatment for kidney disease, they are not a viable option. Apples and celery juice are nutrient-dense diuretics and may be used as alternatives to pain relievers. Your doctor will want to review the risks and benefits of herbal products before starting your regimen. In addition to herbal remedies, you may want to consult your primary care physician before deciding on a new regimen.

Commonly used herbs are not nephrotoxic

The incidence of nephrotoxicity is remarkably low amongst herbal preparations. There are numerous reasons for this. Several of them are associated with different types of clinical medicine for kidney. Herbal preparations vary in composition and biological activity due to problems with plant identification, differences in extraction processes, and lack of information on the active compounds. A combination of these factors may contribute to the prevalence of nephrotoxicity in herbal medicines, especially in rural areas.

Many people with kidney disease may not know that many common herbs are nephrotoxic. Fortunately, the European Medicines Agency has listed several of the most common herbs as safe to take. On its website, the agency lists six common herbs that can cause urinary system side effects. Some herbs, such as echinacea, may actually increase the risk of chronic kidney disease. If taken regularly, however, they can be beneficial for the kidneys.

Commonly used herbs are not a viable treatment for CKD

Herbal substances are used widely in the herbal treatment for kidney disease and may be considered safe by the average person. The use of such herbal substances does not mean that they are not nephrotoxic, however. Herbal preparations may contain toxic heavy metals or other harmful minerals, which are especially harmful to people with CKD. Herbal medications that contain bucha leaves, juniper berries, and parsley capsules can also cause damage to the kidneys.

Herbs used for treating CKD should be taken only after consulting a healthcare provider. Herbs can be used as a substitute for salt. Herbs can be consumed as a dietary supplement. Be careful, however, since some herbs may have harmful ingredients and high dosages. If you are taking medications for kidney disease, consult a health care provider before using any herbal supplement.

Celery juice is a diuretic

In addition to being a diuretic for kidney disease, celery juice is beneficial for those suffering from other health conditions as well. Insufficient fluid in the body can lead to the formation of kidney stones. Kidney stones are clumps of waste that form in the kidneys. Drinking celery juice regularly can help prevent the formation of these stones. Taking celery juice regularly can also lower blood pressure and prevent the onset of kidney stones.

However, the juice may not be a suitable choice for people with kidney disease who are on a salt-restricted diet. Furthermore, most celery juice is strained to remove fiber. Fiber is important for a healthy digestive system and helps keep the drinker full. Celery juice that is fiberless may lead to increased calorie intake. However, celery is rich in fiber, which may help improve your gut bacteria, prevent heart disease, and improve cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

Apples are a nutrient-dense diuretic

Research by Florida State University suggests that a diet rich in apples may be a good choice for patients with kidney disease. Apples contain high levels of pectin, which helps the body to eliminate waste through the urine. Apples may also help prevent kidney stones. Additionally, they can help the body regulate its sodium and potassium levels, which can lower blood pressure and prevent cardiovascular disease.

Another natural diuretic is the common dandelion. This weed is rich in a compound that helps the kidneys excrete water and salt. It also improves symptoms of congestive heart failure and helps the body cleanse itself. Eating a supplement containing this nutrient is a great way to treat kidney problems and manage their symptoms. Apples are also a nutrient-dense diuretic.

Senna tablets are safe to use if you have kidney disease and you’re constipated

You can safely take Senna tablets if you have kidney disease and you’ve been diagnosed with chronic constipation. There are some precautions, however, and you should consult your doctor before using Senna. It contains a high amount of potassium, and if you take it with other supplements, it may lower your potassium levels. This herb is generally well tolerated, but it can cause serious complications in certain people. If you’re taking certain medications or have a health condition, your doctor may recommend other methods.

Senna is safe to use in small amounts, but you should talk to your doctor about taking this laxative if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding. It is safe for nursing mothers and passes into breast milk without affecting the baby. While it’s generally safe to use, it should not be used long-term, because it can cause dependency. It can also cause coma and liver damage if used for a long time.

