What’s the difference between the metaverse and virtual reality?

Alex Alieja
3 min readJan 28, 2022

If you just heard about the metaverse and ever wondered what it means then you are not alone because a lot of people still can’t make sense of it all.

Why should you be interested in the metaverse? Because all top tech companies are already making concrete plans to build on the metaverse. In fact, Mark Zuckerberg paid over $60 million to buy the name “Meta” which his. network site Facebook now bears as the new name.

Why will he spend such an amount just to buy a name?

The term “Metaverse” has been around since 1992.

The term was originally used in the novel Snow Crash, originally published in 1992 by Neal Stephenson. In the novel, the metaverse is a virtual shared space that incorporates virtual reality, augmented reality, and the internet.

But what’s the difference between the metaverse and virtual reality?

The metaverse is a marriage between artificial intelligence, virtual reality and the internet in a shared online space . In the metaverse you are not just reading content or experiencing them with some. of your senses like you would in VR, you are in it and you experiences it with all your senses.

So the metaverse is a convergence of physical reality, augumented and virtual reality.

The metaverse is a digital universe where the physical and virtual world meet.

In the future, the metaverse is going to have a full fledged economy and infrastructure. Companies like Microsoft are already building a “metaverse stack” for the enterprise.

The metaverse is an “embodied internet”. Unlike virtual reality which is the computer-generated simulation of a three-dimensional image or environment that can be interacted with in a seemingly real or physical way by a person using special electronic equipment, such as a helmet with a screen inside or gloves fitted with sensors.

The key differences between the VR and the Metaverse is in what you experience when in both worlds. The metaverse is a continuous loop that is designed not to end, pause or resets.

However, the full vision of the metaverse is still yet in glimpses, when the metaverse’s infrastructure is fully in play in the coming future, the metaverse will be a disruptive catalyst.

In the world of innovative technology, an innovative concept is always a precursor for another innovation to happen laying the foundation. No gain saying that Virtual reality played a foundational role in what we have to know today as the metaverse.

The metaverse uses avatars and. you don’t need avatars to use VR .

Another difference between metaverse and VR is that while in VR you are limited by what hardware manufacturers make available on their platform, with metaverse there are no limitations because it’s not dependent upon any specific device or software.

Currently, they are still many growth barriers to the metaverse due to its complicated nature but I strongly believe that the metaverse is a disruptive catalyst that will change so many areas of humanity just like the blockchain.



Alex Alieja

Tech entrepreneur | Data buff | AI/ML & Blockchain enthusiast | Project manager | Team lead @avalantech_hq | Passionate about tech-driven solutions.