What is ‘The Phoenix Method’?

The top 3 benefits of my personal coping strategy

A.V. Phoenix
2 min readNov 2, 2023
Created with NightCafe

1| Find when you have time to escape from others, and from your normal space and then

Find a time to engage in relentless crying for 3–5 minutes, or screaming for a few seconds, or both.

I find that this simple act of catharsis really frees up the mental/emotional flooding that sometimes feels like a dam is about to break. But when I take this time for myself, the way it grounds me can often turn my entire momentum around, and a day that I feel I needed to take time off for I now am working coherently and productively with team-members.

2| Remember that every moment can be a new start

Like the Phoenix, you can remake and reimagine some part of yourself at any moment. Anything can be started at any time, so once you find that space and refocus, either by 1| above or some other method, remember that past narratives do not have to perpetuate forward. They can end, NOW.

It’s accepting what has come and what needs to come next that’s the most difficult aspect of integration after feeling emotionally annihilated by one thing or another.



A.V. Phoenix

IT MIM, ADHC Enthusiast, Musician and Writer. Explore with me as I share my discoveries around managing ADHD and creating new systems to transform my life.