CS371p: Weekly blog 4/12/20

Alexander Hardinger
3 min readApr 12, 2020


What did you do this past week?

This past week, I mostly spent a majority of my time optimizing my code for my Autonomous Driving Milestone that’s due on Monday. No one in the class has been able to get a working solution yet, but our professor said that he was happy with the amount of progress that my group has made in the past week. It’s been really difficult working for this class, as we can’t test if our code works on the real cars. This has been a difficult transition, but I still feel like I’m learning a lot.

What’s in your way?

I really need to get around to starting the assignment for this class. I’ve been very tired everyday this past week, but my sleep schedule is almost back to normal now. Going back home to my mom’s house has been a little bit of a difficult transition, as I have a lot more chores to do than I would back in my apartment near campus.

What will you do next week?

I’m gonna start the Darwin assignment for this class this week! I haven’t really been on top of getting assignments done early, so I really want to get that knocked out before the weekend comes around. Ideally, I’d really like to relax this coming weekend, so I’m gonna work really hard at the start of this week!

What was your experience of vector?

I struggled a little bit with the first Hackerrank exercise that we had to do at the start of the week, but once I saw the solution that professor Downing had supplied, it made a lot more sense in regards to how to structure the class. I was a little confused on how to set all of it up (the constructors and the internal data structures), but I feel like I have a very good understanding of how it works now.

What was your experience of the ethics material?

I’m currently in the Contemporary Issues in CS class right now, so all of this content wasn’t too surprising. We’ve talked a lot in that class about how we as programmers can shape and impact the world, so I think it’s really important for us to consider how the decisions we make throughout our SWE careers can shape the lives of others.

What made you happy this week?

I got to see my girlfriend in person today which was really nice! We don’t live too far from each other, but we haven’t been able to spend time together because of this quarantine. I’m really hoping all of this going on in the world will be resolved soon, because I really miss her.

What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

I found a cool shared streaming service that let’s you watch stuff together with friend. It’s called metastream and it works surprisingly well! Would highly recommend it! https://getmetastream.com/

