Alexandre Campino
Alexandre Campino

Alexandre Campino


2 stories

Alexandre Campino

Alexandre Campino


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Alexandre Campino

Alexandre Campino

cool resources

2 stories

Alexandre Campino

Alexandre Campino


8 stories

Alexandre Campino

Alexandre Campino


1 story

Alexandre Campino

Alexandre Campino


3 stories

Alexandre Campino

Alexandre Campino


2 stories

Alexandre Campino

Alexandre Campino

Thought Provoking

3 stories

cognitive distortions. Heaven’s reward fallacy — I must be rewarded for my hard work and sacrifice. curse of knowledge — why can’t others understand such simple ideas? fundamental attribution error — this who they are. fallacy of change — circle of influence, circle of concern that others need to change. bike shedding which has four quadrants trivial, easy, important, and hard. bike shedding is in the easy and trivial quadrant
A statue of a girl with her hands on her hips, facing an American flag draping from the New York Stock Exchange.
Alexandre Campino

Alexandre Campino

quality code

6 stories

Alexandre Campino

Alexandre Campino

Data Platforms

1 story

Alexandre Campino

Alexandre Campino


1 story

ArtemisQL is a GraphQL prototyping tool and SQL database visualizer built for developers looking to optimize their queries and transition away from RESTful APIs |
Alexandre Campino

Alexandre Campino


2 stories

The Microservices Observability Pyramid: Traces, Metrics, Logs and Probes
Alexandre Campino

Alexandre Campino

cool projects

3 stories

Alexandre Campino

Alexandre Campino


2 stories

Alexandre Campino

Alexandre Campino

Python - Async

2 stories

Alexandre Campino

Alexandre Campino


3 stories

Job interview
Alexandre Campino

Alexandre Campino

python etl

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Alexandre Campino

Alexandre Campino

Web Framework

1 story

Alexandre Campino

Alexandre Campino

Senior Software Development Engineer @ Zillow Group. Feed the "Zestimate" with high quality data propelled by high quality software