Sale of markers in the VIP section of interactive platform

Alexander Moskovich
9 min readOct 28, 2017


Draft open proposal for the consideration of the MapMess team

Russian version

What is the MapMess? Please refer to MapMess White Paper


VIP category markers are expensive markers. Thus, other users of the interactive MapMess platform will understand that the owners of VIP markers are wealthy people. However, other users will not know the real names of the VIP markers’ owners, but they will be able to communicate with them through a built-in messenger. VIP markers can be purchased by investors or by authors of projects that are looking for investors and have already achieved a certain status. The VIP category marker allows to filter users on the basis of “financial well-being”.

The owner of the VIP category marker can set a restriction on receiving emails from other VIP marker owners only. Thus, s/he will be sure that the person sending a message in the marker is also a wealthy person.

The VIP category marker can be re-sold later.


VIP Category

Section VIP — category in the MapMess ad classification, at the moment having the following properties:

  • Markers posted in the VIP category are not affected by the time filter within their category. Meaning that when a user selects a VIP category in the filter, all the markers available in this category are going to be visible at the same time, regardless of the creation date of the marker. When “All Categories” is selected, VIP markers are visible according to the time filter setting. When anything but “All Categories” and “VIP” is selected, the VIP markers on the map are not visible.
  • VIP markers can be posted by the administrator only.
  • Markers in the VIP category use their own logos as icons. Logos are forwarded to the e-mail address of MapMess and adapted for use as icons.


Marker — the ad placed on the interactive MapMess map. Marker has the following properties:

  • 1 — icon — icon in the size of 38x38 pixels, displayed on the map and in the upper left corner on the marker itself.
  • 2 — name of the marker’s owner — displayed in the top left corner under the icon.
  • 3 — author’s rating — displayed in the right top corner of the marker in the form of a red asteric and a numerical value which takes into account all the activities of the user and the actions of other users with this marker: number of user’s markers, number of likes of user’s markers by other users, number of followers, speed of user’s replies to messages left inside markers, number of blocked user’s markers, correspondence of user’s location to the location of her his/posted markers (geographical relevance). Formula calculating ratings has adjustable coefficients for each parameter. This formula is going to be hidden in the platform code in order to avoid artificial ratings.
  • 4 — marker’s title — title’s text, enlarged and in bold
  • 5 — marker’s text — marker’s text, posted by the user
  • 6 — number of hits — a simple number of all marker’s views, including repeated views by the same user.
  • 7 — URL address of the marker — direct link to the marker, allowing to share the link with any user, on any social platform, forum, or other similar resources
  • 8 — marker’s coordinates — geographic coordinates of the marker on the map in a standard coordinate format

Premium account

Premium account — property of the account that provides access to additional (paid) functions of MapMess. Currently, premium account function is not connected to the working version of MapMess.


MessCoin or MessToken (MMT) — the MapMess project token, released as part of the ICO strategy and being the first token that will be distributed free of charge as part of the bounty program. MMT token cannot be purchased prior to its release to the currency exchange.

VIP representative of MapMess

VIP representative of MapMess —is a regional partner of MapMess distributing paid markers in the VIP category in its region via VIP SALE TERMINAL. The sequence of marker’s sales will follow below.


Buyer — any age-of-majority user of MapMess who has the right to transfer crypto-coins within his/her jurisdiction in exchange for services or virtual goods.


Crypto-token — this is a token generated using the blockchain technology on the basis of the ERC-20 protocol or any other blockchain protocol.

Proposal for the commercialization (tokenization) of the VIP category


At the moment, the markers of our strategic partners and team members’ companies, who showed a desire to place a marker on the map and sent their company’s logo, were placed free of charge in the VIP category. These markers will be permanently placed on the map, unless their companies request these markers to be removed. Marker’s categories can be changed at the discretion of administration.

I suggest, starting December 1, to introduce paid placement of markers in the VIP category as a part of the tokenization testing.

Conditions for placing markers in the VIP section

During the tokenization testing phase, markers in the VIP section are placed on the following conditions:

Payment currency: crypto-tokens:

  • Ethereum
  • MessCoin
  • Alternative Coins

The cost of placing one marker in the VIP category (prices are valid until January 31, 2018):

  • 0.1 Ethereum for an annual placement (or 0.01 for a monthly placement)
  • 0.1 MessCoin for an annual placement (or 0.01 for a monthly placement)

Bonuses to the buyer when purchasing a marker in the VIP category before January 1, 2018

  • When paying for a marker in the VIP category with Eth coins for an annual placement, the buyer receives 0.1 MessCoin as a gift. MessCoin can be kept by a buyer or used to purchase one more marker in the VIP category.
  • When paying for each marker in the VIP category prior to January 1, 2018, the buyer receives additional 100 points to the value of his/her rating. Rating is calculated using the following conversion: 10,000 points of rating = 1 MessCoin.
  • When paying for the annual placement of the marker in the VIP category, the buyer receives an additional placement for 4 years free of charge. That is, the placement is valid for a total duration of 5 years.
  • VIP buyer gets a free membership in the private MapMess club. This membership provides the following benefits: discounts in partners’ businesses, the right to participate in closed meetings of the club members, participation in the drawing for free tickets for offsite corporate events at the best resorts in the world (description of the club to be developed)

Term of marker placement

Markers in the VIP category are placed for a period of 1 month to a year, depending on the term chosen by a buyer.
Markers placed and paid for before January 1, 2018 for a period of one year, are placed for a period of 5 years as a bonus.

Additional conditions

The user can edit the marker’s text and change the photo unlimited number of times. Markers placed before January 1, 2018 are allowed to be relocated to any place on the map within the original country of placement and to change the icon of the marker no more than once a month and no more than 10 times for the entire duration of placement.

The sequence of marker’s sales in the VIP category

Placement of markers in the VIP category is carried out through VIP Representatives of MapMess. VIP representative places a “marker sales terminal” in the Contact Us category. An example of the “marker sales terminal” is:

The “marker sales terminal” specifies the conditions and the instructions for the payment for the marker in the VIP category and indicates the Ethereum wallet address where the funds should be transferred to. Each VIP Representative receives tokens to his/her wallet and then sends the tokens minus his/her commission to the central wallet. The commission percentage is determined with each VIP Representative individually and is a function of local conditions. Each VIP representative can only sell VIP category markers in his/her own region.

A buyer willing to place a marker in the VIP category transfers tokens to the VIP Representative’s wallet indicated in the VIP Representative marker.

VIP Representative Marker

After that, the buyer places his/her marker in any category, writes the necessary text and uploads a photo. Logo to be used on this marker should be e-mailed to the marketing department of MapMess. When a regional VIP representative confirms a payment, the MapMess administrator attaches the buyer’s logo as an icon and transfers the marker to the VIP section.

VIP Representative’s commission

The commission of the VIP representative is negotiated with each representative separately, depending on the efforts and conditions for attracting customers, advertising volumes, the size of the region and other parameters. The first representative to sign up a representation agreement with MapMess, will receive a commission of up to 80% for the first year. That is, 80% of the collected funds the representative will keep to him/herself.

Limitations of VIP category

Since the markers in the VIP category are visible without the time filter, their number in the VIP zone will be limited in each region and in each square of the map. A specific number of VIP markers will be determined as the work progresses. In the case of a huge demand for VIP markers, the cost of placing a marker will increase. In addition, new markers will only be placed when a previously placed marker either expires or not paid for in time. Bonuses are valid for no more than 3 active markers, paid for from the same wallet and placed from the same MapMess account.

Refund policy

Within one three month of payment, a user can request a refund in the amount of the original payment minus the commission for transfer. Besides the commission for transfer, no other fines or deductions will be withheld. In the case of payment refusal, the user cannot post another VIP marker from the same account. User rating will be decreased by the number of previously added points for placing a marker in the VIP category.

Appendix “Text of the VIP terminal”

Dear friend!

On this page, you can place your marker in the VIP category. If you place your order by January 1, 2018, and chose a one-year placement, as a bonus, your marker will be placed for a period of 5 years with no additional change to you. In addition, you will be able to edit your marker an unlimited number of times and transfer your marker to a new place on the map no more than once a month and no more than 10 times for the whole period, as long as the new location is in the same country as the original one.

What do you get from placing your marker in the VIP category?

  • People will trust your marker more, since a VIP section is a paid one.
  • Your user’s rating will increase by 100 points for each marker placed in the VIP category.
  • Marker placed in the VIP section is always visible when users view the markers of this category (the update function is automatically turned on for all VIP markers).

How to place a marker in the VIP category — step by step instructions:

  1. Create a new marker at the desired location on the map. In order to place a marker at a certain point, use either the address or the exact geographic coordinates in the search bar in the top left corner.
  2. Chose any category and any icon for your marker.
  3. Transfer 0.1ETH or 300DEEX for a monthly placement or 0.1ETH or 3000DEEX for an annual placement to the wallet indicated below.
  4. Click on the yellow envelope in your marker and indicate the wallet address where the payment has been sent from. We allow payments from any stock exchange wallets.
  5. Send the logo or picture you would like to use as the icon of your marker to the email address specified below.
  6. In the reply email, you will receive a confirmation of payment and details on the placement of your VIP marker.
  7. Do not hesitate to ask any questions related to the placement of your marker in the VIP category.

Example of the «VIP sales terminal»:

Ask questions, write comments, sign up as VIP Representatives

Should you have any questions, you can either ask directly Alexandre Moskovich using all available communication channels, or leave your comments below this text.

