Jesus: The ultimate Kintsugi master

Alexander Piloto
2 min readJan 13, 2019


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So, Kintsugi has always been one of those concepts that I was just naturally intrigued by. For those unaware, Kintsugi is a Japanese art which means “golden repair.” The methodology behind the art is that broken pottery is repaired with powdered gold, silver, or platinum. The philosophy behind this odd practice is found in the maximization of the damaged areas and converts it into something more beautiful that it was before.

Isn’t that amazing?

An object that one point was extremely functional and simply an object, is now able to shine through more than beforehand due to the damage it endured. You see, I think that Jesus is the ultimate master of this art.

As humans, we’re bound to be broken, damaged, attacked, and destroyed. Often times we believe this is the end. Our life is over, we’re never going to recover from this, and we should just give up on even trying. However, God has other plans. You see, through our deficiencies and brokenness, God can now rebuild you with the His gold, silver, and platinum, and make us something more beautiful than we ever were.

He uses what was once troubling us as a mechanism to show others just how beautiful the damage can be. The pain always has a purpose, and we’re simply broken pottery being rebuilt with the love of Christ within us.

