Better Calculus Notation: Energy ◯ per μ • ∿; μ • ∿ = Mass and c²; μ is ‘Bell Curve’

Alexander Tungcuu Le
10 min readOct 21, 2021


Energy States of an Object — as in, Moon
Crucible of Light — Truth

As the development of Hypersigmanometry, what I advance in this article, is the ‘shape’ corollary of ◯ to ‘mean/average’ ‘oscillations’ [μ • ∿] of ‘light’. I predict, that your energy, which may be converted to work, should align with light — truth, what you want to devote your energy to have motion — ‘de motu’ to allowing light to prove of you. The better able we are at producing energy ‘surface area circles’, the better light will prove our worth. The denominator of ◯ / (μ • ∿), μ • ∿, is the phase-shifting of light — it is how light is able to find our dark bodies, by sliding within this phase-shift of ‘middle/bell’ of the ‘curve’ to past and future states, ‘super-positional’ states — ‘sine waves’ and ‘oscillation/torque’ nature.

With this theorem, I want to suggest, a model of General Relativity energy over Special Relativity energy; let’s call it, [the] GR-Over-SR Theorem — ◯ / (μ • ∿). The idea is to find a ratio of general relativistic co-ordination with the super-positional nature of light, as photons — that is, how easily light can prove you in the space-time continuum, a curve. If we set a circa constant — a ‘linear algebraic’, μ, then the spinning of the speed of light surface area circle, would just be the division of energy of 2π cycles — of that ‘linear’ constant; I suggest applying our knowledge of Hypersigmanometry — that the surface area circle can be made to enumerate, while light waves prove us to a ‘crucible’. The proof is easy, it follows the Law of Rational Symmetry (from The Rhetoric of New Machines):

“GR-Over-SR” Theorem

Hypersigmanometry finds the process of encircling math, rather than promoting ‘limits’ and ‘linear algebra’ — without Calculus which follows the curvature of ‘space-time’. This is further to extend the notion of ‘cruces and crucibles’ — that is, our mass, being encircled by light. I suppose the philosophers might ask: “Can the light predict or be the source of three-dimensions of reality, or are energy-states only represented in two-dimensional space-time?” Certainly, the advancement of mathematics and physics will be significant in telling us more about our three-dimensional reality; that which is supported in Hypersigmanometry, with the torque, of surface area circles to circumferences of the speed of light circle — in any case, light does prove us, though, the more symmetric we are to light, the better we are at cycling around π — what I suggest is the true enumeration of ‘dark matter’, a representation of μ • ∿ ‘phase-shifting’. Another question begs the answer, “Do you blue-shift and fuse with truth, or do you red-shift, and die against it?”

So When Does Mass Super-Position to other Multi-verses?

My thought, mass would only be able to super-position, as energy — that means work is the only way to super-position mass to energy; and the universe saves us, as energy is not undone, but we need to form mass, yet the laws of energy-mass conversion and conservation, suggest that we can only replace mass particles, from other galaxies — freak calibons and alternate calibons, as to be ‘similar’ to recharging our cells with Carbon atoms [as by using an Hyperion Torus Machina (HTM)]; just allowing the ‘entanglement’ of ‘specific frequencies’ to form ‘galaxies’, by switching ‘requisite frequencies’ — the count of ‘galaxies’, with ‘specific frequencies’, this is the, possibly, “near” net zero balance of energy and vacuums across the universe.

Why Talk so Far Out of Space, We’re on Earth — and it should be kept in perspective of a magnetic polarity, Up is Up and Down is Down

Following the GR-Over-SR Therorem [◯ to μ • ∿], we can extend a corollary to these shapes, and ◯ — being represented as temperature, therefore, the equivalence is at, a SI-adopting unit of measure for some ‘bell body’ and ‘oscillation’ fusion/factorizing, which begs the question, what is this ‘bell body’ and ‘oscillation’ when calculating thermal energy (temperature). On Earth, the nature of this ‘bell body’ and ‘waveform’ is most likely related to the k_{B}, Boltzmann black-body radiation constant, within the ‘oscillation’ of light particles — photons, and momentous convection of spin dynamos of cosmic bodies — effecting as the ‘scattering away’ of light beams, light rays; that is, I believe we can establish a new ‘nature’ of reality, which is like ‘electromagnetism’, but rather ‘light-torque’ (light-time; since the speed of light is the same in all reference frames, of net zero energy states — rest energy) and ‘momentous convection’ (as to refer to General Relativity, where we place ourselves on a ‘cosmic’ ‘dynamo’ — like a planet with polarity, and measure both vacuum permeabilities for our sloping General Relativity and the addition of the vacuum permeability of ‘light beams’ , measured as Amperes — as Dr. Maxwell Planck has examined the differential of caliber matter, a measure of mass, Planck’s constant, to electromagnetic frequency; so that sharing duality, of reproducible ‘replications’ — space-forming, also allows for difference of ‘time’ — ‘division’). We may update our Calculus notion to the follow derivations:

GR+SR Fusion — 2πr_{1}+2πr_{2}=πr²

The Venn Diagram of General-Special (Circle Formation) notation, suggest that the circumference of a ‘gravitational’ ‘wavelength’ combined with the circumference of a ‘electromagnetic’ ‘wavelength’ forms surface area circles, or rather, the ‘circle-form’ of ‘numbers’ — by the Rational Symmetry Law (from The Rhetoric of New Machines).

As Data Analysts, What Does πr²=∿GR+∿SR mean?

Good question. Refer to the following measures:

We’ll take the light-specialty critical affect measure at, 5.68711591e-7th of a second, that is the radius of our circa constant — in Hypersigmanometry. Now if we presume that one is part of a data science over some business venture, for instance, then taking the number of sales during operation hours — we can just suggest some ‘pretend’ data, for example, net income of $7.25e+11 per month; but because our circa constant is measured in seconds, we should convert that value to a seconds approximate, which is, $275,875.1903 per second. Now flip that so that seconds are compare as the numerator, that is, 1 second per $275,875.1903 — for circa relativity, and 5.68711591e-7th of a second — circa constant.

Review the below calculations and formulae, especially, if you’re into finance:

Hypersigmanometry — in Finance

These formulas should hold true to physics, it reads from top to bottom, as meaning:

  • Seconds per Exchange of Dollar Value — Upon one ‘light-amp’, equivalent to 1 second, of net earnings (income), plus the light-specialty critical affect point — which determines the ability of the instant that one’s company engages in a mode of perception for your company to become recognized to a person’s conscience, this is the light-specialty critical affect point. With the Seconds per Exchange of Dollar Value, we can set a limit for how many seconds can occur for each transaction for the duration of a net income cycle.
  • Monthly Net Income (in sec.) • Seconds per Exchange of Dollar Value — This is the net income on a duration cycle times the Seconds per Exchange of Dollar Value (above), so that this formula gives us an even distribution of how much money is made in income for every generated second; similar to an average dollar value upon fused second(s). That is, this measure tells you how much dollar value one produces with each produced second.
  • Cents to Percentage Formula of New Comers (by the Dollar ) — Based on net income over a certain duration, this determines, how much money is made income per light-second (cents), but when generalized to a scale of (0% — 100%), we can forecast an estimate for how many of those customers who spent to one’s earning of a particular duration cycle, were new customers. This is due to the nature of the light-specialty critical affect point, it can be used to gauge new instances of discovery by customers, due to it being significant, in our perceptual experience to make first-instances — memorable for the first time.
  • “Total Exchange(s) Formula” (with Even Distribution of Dollar) — This formula allows one to predict/estimate the number of transactions that were processed (with an even distribution of dollar value).
  • Value of Customer (by Dollar) — This formula allows for the standardization of the dollar per transaction, that is, any thing above $1, shows growth in the company; while any ‘Value of Customer (by Dollar value)’ is less than $1, is a failing company. It measures, the value of each customer to the company’s profits.

That is, with the light-specialty critical affect point we know that these customers are ‘new comers’ because, these light-seconds, are not memory seconds, as those are measured in ‘normal’ seconds. Light-seconds represent discovery — the first instance of the electromagnetic affect that becomes causal to one’s world-line. These are the founding philosophies behind these financial formulae.

Does Hypersigmanometry Impose a “Trade-Well” Limit to Economy — as Circa Constant

The answer is: yes — by that, I advise, it accounts for earnings by a dollar stat-line: the Value of Customer (by Dollar) — now, also referred to as, the “Trade-Well” limit. This is because, it favors history (his-her-story) for the declaration to ratios — that is founded by economy. By nationality, the establishment of a whole unit (by that of monetary distinguishers — for the U.S., the dollar) of social currency. In establishing such an economy for world-trade, the nations of the world may preserve characteristics of society by each ‘dollar’ investment. And it is, perhaps, the ingenious of economists to ‘augur’ some sort of connection to the natural world that understands that ‘nature’: presents our only limit(s).

That is why I establish the Value of Customer (by Dollar) formula — the “Trade-Well” limit, which may be applied to the wealth of all nations, as it accounts for the maximal divisions of light — predictors of instantaneity cross-fixed upon economic exchange. And by that formula, we can evaluate each country on a dollar-metric of time; as the light-specialty critical affect point represents the maximal division of time (light-speed).

Energy Caraboba(s), Finding Radial-Corollary of E◯ and (μ • ∿)

As for the discussion of this portion of this article, one should read this other article I wrote on Medium — it concerns the translation of triangles into three-dimensional pyramid(s) [of light-specialty]; it also provides the following formula for “Counting Caraboba”:

“Counting Caraboba” Theorem

That formula, along with what we’ve been discussing with the GR-Over-SR Theorem, translates to:

Finding Radial-Corollary — “Sigma-r” and “Mean-Oscillation-r”

With the “Sigma-r” formula, we can determine the radius of a caraboba-aligning energy circle — energy-surface-area-circle, and with the “Mean-Oscillation-r”, we can determine the radius for balanced ‘oscillation’ of two beta-forms; where μ=[(i…n-1)/x] and ∿=1/3 — fused together, gives us the value of x: 3•(i…n-1), so μ=1/3, which means our “Sigma-r” should equal 1/3, in order to be symmetrical to a caraboba. Yet, the “Sigma-r” and “Ao-r”/“Mo-r” corollary allows for more precision Calculus when working with different shapes (in this case, surface area circles, equilateral triangles, and ‘oscillation’ ‘cycles’). Below shows the symmetry of energy ◯, n-1/i=0 Σf[(1…n-1)/3], and μ • ∿ (‘mean oscillations’/‘average oscillation’).

These numbers should be capable of predicting quantum orbits and the quantities associated with them — for example, in order to get from the first quantum level of 2, to the 3 quantum level, one would need 2 electrons (-); while if wanting to go from quantum level 2 to 4, it would take 2.999999999 electrons (-).

Upon the Synchronization of Waveforms

Timing particles from initial sine-2π ‘oscillations’ — that which follows the physics of ‘superposition’, in following the E◯=μ • ∿ — GR-Over-SR Theorem, from a given origin to another final destination, but not to suggest ‘virtual particles’ forming the timing of ‘sine-waves’ — as in Bohmian mechanics, I am putting forward, the Calculus which allows us to time our energetic ‘superpositional’ states (below):

Centre-Fusion Rotation Theorem — π-Cycles Formula (Convergence of Sine, Cosine, and Tangent)

On the first line, we are determining the radius of one ‘sine’ over a fusion of ‘cosine’ and ‘tangent’, divided by the combination sequence of choosing one of those waves: ‘sine’, ‘cosine’, or ‘tangent’. The “Centre-Fusion Rotation Theorem — π-Cycles Formula” is from this article; and on the third line, we invert the speed of light with the distance given by the Calculus using the “π-Cycles Formula” — this gives us a time value for ‘sine-waves’.

Then substituting that “time value for ‘sine-waves’” into the E◯=μ • ∿ — GR-Over-SR Theorem, we get the following corollary below:

Example — GR-Over-SR Theorem (Proof)

We know our 0.1673501755 time value for ‘sine-waves’ is accurate, since, by modulating the testing-samples of μ — the ‘mean/average’, we still form symmetry/proportionality with Dr. Einstein’s E=mc²; and in fact, we may form a New Theory of General Relativity (as below).

New Theory of General Relativity

That means, the ∿ =0.1673501755 should be a ‘sine-wave’ constant, and 1.86202182e−18 should be another constant that balances: mass per ‘mean/average’ — which may be represented as, ‘vacuum permeability’.

Further derivations for the ∿ =0.1673501755 ‘sine-wave’ constant, continue below:



Alexander Tungcuu Le

Trying to be the Mathematician & Physicist who writes Hallmark Cards that save the universe! ❤️ Follow me if you like my articles.